I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Anyone seeking grant information or comments on them
NHPB has many grant programs listed, and look here for grants to help pay bills.
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I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Doler »

I am looking for grants for either Lupus, RA, Fibromyalgia, or chronic back pain.
I have had two cancer scares and a death in the immediate family, my father passed before Christmas. My L5S1 is moderately degenerating with sciatica (I am taking Morphine Patches to help with pain) either from RA or Lupus. Now, I am having blood in my urine followed by other symptoms. I am having several tests at first the Dr thought Bladder Cancer then Lymphomia. I can send all doctors reports, CT scans, Urologist report etc...

I really need your help with a grant application for medical bills and any other grants that you know of for Autoimmune disease, back problems, RA, Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Depression. Right now I am having problems getting housework and cooking done. The pain and fatigue are so extreme! I do not have anyone to help with my twins, one of whom is Autistic, and am now being audited by the IRS for $19,000. I am really struggling to keep it together.
Thank you very much for your help & please keep me in your prayers!
If you know of any groups that offer grants please let me know as well.
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Wifeofone »

I am looking for GRANTS TO HELP PAY MEDICAL DEBT. Also my 2 daughters and myself are Bi-polar and considered disabled. I was looking for an advocate of some type to help me with Dr. Appointments and keeping track of them all. I wanted info on GRANTS FOR GAS. I have a car but need help with fuel costs.
Last, my family is just working on getting over a VERY difficult time financially! We have had to dismiss a BANKRUPTCY because we COULD NOT AFFORD THE PAYMENTS!!!! We are at a loss as to what our options are? Our home is in foreclosure our CREDIT IS DESTROYED and our bills are unmanageable (utilities etc.) because for the past years of hardship. We are trying to get back on our feet but feel quite hopeless about how to do this? I am unable to work due to my DISABILITY and I receive Social Security however I also owe $$$ on Student Loans and although the FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY AGENCY AND MY DOCTOR say I'm PERMANENTLY DISABLED and can NO LONGER WORK.....The FEDERAL Department Of Higher Education APPARENTLY KNOWS BETTER....THEY SAID I AM NOT DISABLED and Must pay for my loans even though I NO LONGER WORK, and have now begun to GARNISH the SMALL MONEY AMOUNT I RECEIVE MONTHLY FROM SS!!!!!!
And lastly, due to my illness and the necessary MEDICATIONS I have to take, I am losing all of my teeth and am in terrible pain. I have been told repeatedly that I CAN ONLY HAVE TEETH PULLED BUT NO TEETH PAID FOR TO PLACE THE TEETH. I am only 43 years old and CAN NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO WALK AROUND TOOTHLESS!!!! Because of this I have begun to crazy glue teeth I have created myself into my mouth out of desperation and shame. I am looking for ANY info on GRANTS that you feel may help my family and I as we really are not in the position to re-pay anything due to the all to deep hole we are in because of past medical conditions of myself and my husband (2 Heart Attacks, 3 Major Back surgeries) in which my career ended and my husband was out of work healing for long periods of time. Our situation and ALL of our hardships were all medically related and simply devastating to our livelihood!!!! We are at a complete loss as to how to make it all better? We are SOO tired of living in fear! I DON'T WANT TO BE SCARED ANY MORE & I'm praying that perhaps Private Grants will be the answer to
Those prayers. My husband is back at work and so I do not think that we would qualify for most low income programs out there (we did not for LIHEAP, although I thought we did from the number's I was given) however we were denied. I by no means, mean to give the impression we are well off, we are still trying to get by, there is just a steady paycheck coming in every 2 weeks helping us now to do that, but we still FALL WELL BELOW THE $100,000 year mark for a family of 5, plus my nephew who recently came to live with us due to his own hardship with his parents!
Any info you can give would be SO GREATLY APPRECIATED...IT WILL BE A LIFE SAVER, or in this case a FAMILY SAVER!!!!! And maybe like I mentioned earlier, some type of an ADVOCATE who could possibly help me though the process!! As part of my treatment for my severe Bi-polar, I was given ETC (Electro Convulsive Therapy...Yes They Still Do That!!! LOL) it did help to save my life and I’m grateful it worked, however there was a price. I underwent ECT for quite some time and as a result my memory has been damaged. NO SHORT TERM MEMORY as well as my MEMORY IN GENERAL is good for nothing, hence the need for ADVOCATE to help with APPOINTMENTS. Takes forever for me to get them made and then I ALMOST ALWAYS SCREW THEM UP AND MISS THEM OR ARE TOO LATE AND HAVE TO RESCHEDULE THEM!!!!! Truth be told, I have even been kicked out of several offices because of this issue. My family and I are in desperate need of help. We are tired, and sick, and broke, and VERY OVERWHELMED !!!! Thank You SO MUCH for any info you can provide. Look forward to hearing back from you, and THANK YOU again!!!
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Keenum »

I am begging anyone and everyone who will listen to me for a grant. I am sick; always in pain. I can't afford to go to doctor visits or even get my vehicle street legal. Some days I don't eat or shower.
I am living in my vehicle and have no one to turn to. I'm struggling due to this sickness. I need a grant like I never have before in my life and all I'm asking for is a little help from anyone so I can get back on my feet. Please help me. I cannot live like this anymore.
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Admin »

There are some grants to cover medical needs. But note these are just not "free money" that some people think of. Each program has criteria, income limits, and specific uses of the money. They are very hard to get, but they can help the sick. Or ask your doctor for tips as well. Here are details. http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... bills.html
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Bruce_scott »

We need good help from one of your grants. We are going to have our power shut off on the 20th or 21st. We are having to move and may end up homeless and my finance is very I'll with congestive heart failure. Our car is broke down and needs some semi-minor repairs, desperately needs to get my son to all his doctors’ appointments. Please help us. God bless and thank you in advance.
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Admin »

We do not have grants or any funds. But try hardship grants. As both the government as well as non-profits may be able to help you.
Bruce_scott wrote: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:16 pm We need good help from one of your grants.
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Savannah »

Needing help with financial problems as I am sick with many medical issues and need a grant. Utility bills, and health issues, as dental, eye, and hearing issues. These problems requires me to request help with a grant, if at all possible. Also, I need some help with electrical and plumbing situations at my home. I have posted a few applications for help at several locations. But it appears they are all running low on funds, also. Thank You Madison County Indiana 46001.
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by DavidTweed »

Hi, my name is Mary, I am 50 years old and disabled with medical conditions and cancer in my family. I have battled cancer off and on for the last few years. My Husband, Larry is 55 years old he suffered a stroke months back, and we didn't have insurance for him to see a doctor. Since then he has gotten S.S. And health insurance, which will help so much. He got very sick and was hospitalized, they found a mass in his liver. We need grants to move and treat our medical conditions.
We were in process of moving to Colorado, he is staying with his daughter in Fountain at the moment. I am still stuck in North Dakota and between having to pay rent here and trying to come up with money to get the rest of our belongings and our animals to Colorado, I don't know how we can do it, My car was stolen and recovered but it was totaled so I have no transportation either. I am so afraid I am going to end up on the streets.
Is there anywhere you can direct me to get some financial assistance to move and help relocating to Colorado where he is and help getting into somewhere.
I know this is a big overwhelming help I am asking for but it seems like the longer I try to do it on our own the further behind we get. Once we have a place we can afford monthly to be on our own. I have never asked for help or a grant from anyone and I do not know where to turn for assistance for medical conditions.
Any direction or help you can give us would be so greatly appreciated. Even a grant or a loan we can pay back over a few years would get us moved and settled so he can start what ever medical treatments he will need. I don't want to be separated from him because of the financial situation we are in, because he is going to need me through this next chapter if it is cancer.
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by JeffreyAls »

I am writing this letter hoping to receive financial help. My name is Jeffrey. I am a 42 year old Single Father of 2 who lives in Summerville, SC with lots of long term medical conditions. I have my 2 children all the time that live with me.
I am in desperate need of rental assistance ASAP in the form of a grant. Our monthly rent is $1200. We are currently 1 month behind on rent as August's 2023 rent is due. My landlord has contacted me many times threatening Eviction if the payment is not made.
I want to explain why I am in this financial situation. I have been sick for 9-10 months with many medical conditions. My main symptoms consist of extreme chest pain/tightness, severe shortness of breath/breathlessness, and chronic fatigue. I deal with these symptoms from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I have always been a healthy individual before I got Covid. I have been to 20+ Dr appointments with many specialists over the last several months. I have Medicaid which has allowed me to have insurance coverage to see these Drs. The Dr's have no idea what is causing my symptoms. They have run numerous tests which include MRI's, Cat Scans, blood labs, etc. All of my test results have come back normal. They all admit and lean towards me dealing with Long Covid. This can happen to 10-30% of all people infected with Covid. Even if their Covid infection was not severe.
They have no treatment plan for me and they always just say we don't know enough about your many medical conditions. They say "time" should heal me potentially, so I need grant aid to help me in the meantime. But they don't know that for sure, as Covid is a new virus that they don't know the long term effects it may have. Well, time is not on my side. I have to keep a roof over our heads and I've been doing everything possible to receive any type of assistance while I pray my body heals. I cannot work unfortunately because of my debilitating symptoms. I am hopeful that my symptoms will go away and my normal health will greet me once again.
In the interim I'm pleading for anyone in a position to PLEASE help me and my family with a grant. My children are great kids. Me and their Mother got divorced almost 5 years ago, as she started to use drugs and chose another path. She is barely in their lives as she lives in Columbia, SC and I have been a single Dad raising them by myself for almost 5 years now. I have been able to do this because I have been able to work. But, since I became sick the past 10 months I have not been able to pay our rent. I sincerely ask for rental help if possible. It would allow me to continue to push my body to heal and keep a roof over our heads. My children just returned to school this week and I am desperately hoping and praying for immediate assistance. I wanted to give as many details as possible about my family and situation to whomever is reading this. I'd be glad to speak with anyone and give even more specific details about me and my family if you'd like.
Thank you for reading this letter. I pray and hope someone can help me pay the $1200 owed for August rent. And hopefully help out with September rent $1200 that will be due September 1st. Please feel free to email me back or better yet call me anytime. Thank you for your time.
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Re: I am sick with many medical conditions and needs grants for

Post by Admin »

Hi Jeffrey
Sorry to read your struggles. If you are seeking help for your loved ones in Columbia, with rent and other needs, there are places that may help. Look for them here. As we have many specific details of [urlhttps://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/richla ... _pro1.html]help in Columbia SC[/url].
JeffreyAls wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:38 am I am writing this letter hoping to receive financial help. My name is Jeffrey. I am a 42 year old Single Father of 2.
She is barely in their lives as she lives in Columbia, SC and I have been a single Dad raising them by myself for almost 5 years now. I have been able to do this because I have been able to work. But, since I became sick the past 10 months I have not been able to pay our rent. I sincerely ask for rental help if possible. It would allow me to continue to push my body to heal and keep a roof over our heads. My children just returned to school this week and I am desperately hoping and praying for immediate assistance. I wanted to give as many details as possible about my family and situation to whomever is reading this. I'd be glad to speak with anyone and give even more specific details about me and my family if you'd like.
Thank you for reading this letter. I pray and hope someone can help me pay the $1200 owed for August rent. And hopefully help out with September rent $1200 that will be due September 1st. Please feel free to email me back or better yet call me anytime. Thank you for your time.
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