We don't have health insurance

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We don't have health insurance

Post by preparation »

To Whom it May Concern
My family is in an awful place. I had my second child close to two years ago. We had PPO private insurance and maternity coverage needless to say most of my bills never were covered. I am drowning in debt and I am helpless. We own a small business and the recession hit my family pretty hard. My marriage is not going well and I really need help understanding my rights. My husband recently found out he needs surgery and we have no health insurance. Everyday he leaves for work and everyday I realize this maybe the day I get the phone call telling me he slipped and severed his spine. I applied for public health assistance a month ago and we have had no answer as to what is going on. I tried calling my local Erie County office and nobody has called me back. I just don't know what to do. I have no money to pay my bills we are officially behind on everything. I have been going to the local food bank in order to feed my children. I really need help from a lawyer so I can understand my rights as what to do with my children. If I go back to my family in the city area of Buffalo, NY I have support from my friends and family. My husband keeps telling me that he never allow me to go back and have those irrational people raise his children. But, I am so stuck with no help in this place. Can anyone help?
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Re: We don't have health insurance

Post by bluegourami3 »

Check with Legal Aid/Services in your area. They give free advice. Don't sweat the medical bills, most likely 90% of people can't pay them. I had at one time not paid my medical bills and they do drop off your credit report after 7 years if this is not a problem for you to go that long. Also, you are entitiled to write a hardship letter and send it to the hospital, they might forgive the debt. Most important bill I was told my local office is house payment. For electric help trying a Catholic organization, most likely they can direct you better to other referral agencies. Go back to the office for social services and ask to speak to another representative or call you local state government and tell them you applied for assistance and not one is giving you answers. Do not take consolidated loans out to pay medical bills or credit cards off. Do not take a home equity loan as then your bills become loans that are tied to your house. and right now medical bills don't charge interest.
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Re: We don't have health insurance

Post by David145 »

My husband and I always visit our children in San Antonio Texas from time to time, especially when we are sick. My husband has a cataract in his right eye and the local doctor told him that it has to be removed or he will go blind. My concern is we don’t have insurance, and my husband badly need the surgery (lazer) to remove the cataract form his eye. What king of assistance can you provide please in order for my husband to have the surgery? Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. We will be in San Antonio-Bexar County- on August 15th, and we hope to hear from you soonest. Thank you for your assistance.. I know there are many federal assistance programs for people like us, with no insurance but hope you will be able to help us.
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Re: We don't have health insurance

Post by Admin »

We don't provide direct assistance. Only information on programs in Texas and nationwide for that matter. That being said, there are numerous resources for people that are sick and that lack health insurance in Texas. Now eye surgery is not common, but you can call some of these programs and ask them for help or referrals. We also have info on those federal benefits you are referring too. http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html ... nsure.html
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Re: We don't have health insurance

Post by CCuomo »

I am from Warrenton, Missouri. I have a remaining hospital bill that I need help paying off in the amount of $563. I also will be leaving for college next month and I was wondering is there any assistance that I could receive to help pay tuition? Also I will be living in an on campus apartment. We have to come out of pocket for utilities. Is there any way you could help pay that as well. I am dealing with financial hardship being the age that I am and with what little income and outside help that I have. It has really been a struggle.
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Re: We don't have health insurance

Post by sasolis »

$563 is a drop in the bucket compared to most, call them and make a payment plan. Most schools require payment in full 30 days before classes start, to late this round but complete FASFA online and see what you qualify for.
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Re: We don't have health insurance

Post by Admin »

Since you have a hospital bills, and are seeking advice on tuition, then try a credit counseling agency in Missouri. They offer mostly free advice (if your income is low enough). Read more.
Since you are in college, also talk to the financial aid office at school regarding health care clincis on site and other support. Maybe there are some local housing resources in Warrenton Missouri that they can refer you too. Or some campus medical centers that do not require health insurance. But in hindsight, if you can't afford an off-site apartment, you may want to move to a dorm. That way you do not need to worry about that cost.

CCuomo wrote:Hello,
I am from Warrenton, Missouri. I have a remaining hospital bill that I need help paying off in the amount of $563. I also will be leaving for college next month and I was wondering is there any assistance that I could receive to help pay tuition? Also I will be living in an on campus apartment. We have to come out of pocket for utilities. Is there any way you could help pay that as well. I am dealing with financial hardship being the age that I am and with what little income and outside help that I have. It has really been a struggle.
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Re: We don't have health insurance

Post by AIGDirect »

I need help in the Chattanooga area as me and my family are sick and we do not have health insurance. I do work. I am making rent barely every week. I live in a hotel, which is basically a place where everyone lives. It's not your typical motel or hotel where people stay for a night or two. People that are traveling. I do work. But with Christmas coming up, we will be off work for a week in which I don't get holiday pay because I work through a temp agency. Please if you know anyone in my area please help for financial or give us health insurance. I don't drink, don't do drugs. I have been out of work couple times this week due to illness. I've been sick and no insurance. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. I don't even hardly eat because I need every penny for rent. Thank you for your time. 
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