Public assistance

People looking for general financial assistance.
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Public assistance

Post by JetSkier »

Hello. I'm terribly worried about my brother. He's one of what they call the "working poor." He moved from Ohio, where I live, to Raleigh, NC with his fiancee. A couple of months ago she left him, with overdue rent and no vehicle. I just found out his electric has been off for awhile now and he owes back rent. The landlord has been letting him work some of the back rent off and he gives the landlord as much money he can every week. He's working 40 hours now and can't help the landlord as much as he used to. And I also discovered he doesn't have enough money for food. Plus, no electricity, no refrigerator. He's a very proud man and when I told him to try public assistance he resisted at first. Now he's desperate and wants me to help him find out if he qualifies for any assistance. I can't help him financially, I'm on disability. Can you help? I think if he got food stamps, his electricity turned back on and help with his rent he wouldn't be so depressed. He has talked of suicide in the past and I was able to get him psychological help here in Ohio. But I'm worried about him and can't get to him myself. Or just email me back and let me know what needs to be done. Maybe I can get him help via the Internet. Please let me know where I need to start. Thank you so much,
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Admin »

Well, the goos news is your brother is working and trying to contribute. Sadly so many people just rely on government or public assistance and do not even make an attempt to work at all, and just cash their government checks. It is good that he has a sister too look out for him too. As far as some places to go to help in the Raleigh and Wake County NC area, those can be found here. Read about the various Wake County financial assistance programs, places to call for rent or housing help, and other financial aid and support. Dozens of agencies focus on helping people in these situations pay their bills and rent too. Have him call a professional if any thoughts of suicide.
JetSkier wrote:Hello. I'm terribly worried about my brother. He's one of what they call the "working poor." He moved from Ohio, where I live, to Raleigh, NC with his fiancee. A couple of months ago she left him, with overdue rent and no vehicle. I just found out his electric has been off for awhile now and he owes back rent. The landlord has been letting him work some of the back rent off and he gives the landlord as much money he can every week. He's working 40 hours now and can't help the landlord as much as he used to. And I also discovered he doesn't have enough money for food. Plus, no electricity, no refrigerator. He's a very proud man and when I told him to try public assistance he resisted at first. Now he's desperate and wants me to help him find out if he qualifies for any assistance. I can't help him financially, I'm on disability. Can you help? I think if he got food stamps, his electricity turned back on and help with his rent he wouldn't be so depressed. He has talked of suicide in the past and I was able to get him psychological help here in Ohio. But I'm worried about him and can't get to him myself. Or just email me back and let me know what needs to be done. Maybe I can get him help via the Internet. Please let me know where I need to start. Thank you so much,
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Fiona »

Good day,
Im inquiring for my sister who is moving to Texas. She currently lives in Minnesota and has a social worker who usually works with her on this stuff and am looking for one for her down here. She currently receives medical assistance in Minnesota and also receives SSI. She receives food stamps and WIC as well. I am curious as to who she can work with and get things setup here in Texas and what the qualifications are for public assistance and aid etc. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. She was in a bad car accident and has no family in Minnesota. All of us live down here in Texas now. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Admin »

So we are not sure of your request, but it seems like you need free food and information on pantries in Texas. If so, then you can find information, addresses, and phone numbers here at Texas food pantries. Many resources drill down to town and county level too, so be sure to look around the primary site for details and information.
Fiona wrote:Good day,
Im inquiring for my sister who is moving to Texas. She currently lives in Minnesota and has a social worker who usually works with her on this stuff and am looking for one for her down here. She currently receives medical assistance in Minnesota and also receives SSI. She receives food stamps and WIC as well. I am curious as to who she can work with and get things setup here in Texas and what the qualifications are for public assistance and aid etc. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. She was in a bad car accident and has no family in Minnesota. All of us live down here in Texas now. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Fiona »

Hello, I need help paying my security deposit. Can you please help or know some program that can. I live in Arlington VA and just really want to move my family in there. We do not receive any government or public aid. I'm a single mom with no help from family or their dad. I am a nurse aid trying to make ends meet. Please help. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Thecall »

I am a disabled senior. My state disability benefit has expired and SSI is still processing my application. Presently I have no income or any assets. I need public assistance for rent, utilities, food, etc. until my SSI is processed. This is a short term need. I need this ASAP because I presently have no money.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Admin »

We do have information on where to turn to for information on public assistance. The government, whether federal or state, administers tons of resources for the poor and low income. They can help seniors, covers all states (including Virginia) and help the needy. You will need to qualify though, but it can be an option when you have now where else to turn to for help. Read more public assistance.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Mike and Rachel »

I have a special needs child that I had to max out my credit card for all her doctor’s appointments and has me struggling big time to pay all my bills and put food on the table to feed my two kids. I need to pay for schools fees, plus I have just started college and can't even buy texts books I need. I also need to get the help for my little girl cost me a lot as I’m a single mum, this is the first time it's been this hard for my family.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Quicy »

To whom it may concern:
I am currently unemployed, NOT pregnant nor do I have children. I currently owe student loans but want to go back to school so I can get a well paying job. I do have a possible health condition per my doctor but cannot afford the necessary tests to verify the issue.
I have a roommate that helps me when needed but I cannot afford to buy my own groceries, fix my car, or better myself at this time. All I want is to work and have a normal life again. The last time I asked for help from the state I was told that because I had no children and was not pregnant the state would not help me and I do not qualify for public assistance. I have been a "good girl" and have never taken advantage of the system and I do not understand why I cannot get any help. I see 21 year old children receiving thousands of dollars a month and it doesn't make sense.
I do not have unemployment, although i was let go from my previous position due to medical reasons. I have also been denied for disability because I cannot afford the tests required by my doctor to show that I need help.
This is my last hope. Please let me know if there is aid available for someone like me. I need to go to school, work, and live a productive life until my illness may or may not stop that.
Please help me. If you cannot help please let me know.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Admin »

Well, most of the public aid is only for lower income families, no matter the story or issue. Kentucky does have several programs and benefits available though, so call your local social or human service office. Maybe you can qualify for resources such as LIHEAP. Or you can always turn to more moderate income solutions as well such as non-profit credit counseling. Find a listing of public benefits in Kentucky.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Kingger »

Have 2 kids, boy and girl (5 & 6 years old). I'm behind on bills (electric, rent, car payment, cell phones). We have no money for Christmas which breaks my heart so I'm looking to try and get some public assistance with anything I mentioned or listed above.
I'm barely making it by but always behind my electric will be shut off soon and with it being winter and having 2 little kids scares me. My rent is late and don't have the money for it I have no idea how I will be able to get my kids anything for Christmas.
The car I do have I'm behind 2 months. I work 9-10 hr. shifts but daycare is starting to be an issue so with my husband having medical issues until after surgery as he failed certain tests etc.. He is a stay at home dad which helps in big way as saves me a lot of money for daycare but one car.
He takes kids to school, but we are in deep and feels like I can't get ahead. I work so hard and just can't catch a break. I pray and pray and hope to god I find a way some kind of help.
My husband held same job down for 10 years and he worked since he was 15. He's now 26 and he tries. He applies everywhere but he is limited to jobs because the town we live in so small.
I'm writing you asking for any kind of help. I never thought life would be this rough and I have a great job but even with that still so hard. I suffer from seizures and I have one about have one every night cause I'm under so much stress.
My husband is a big help and as much as he wants to go back to work he can't and a plus he saves me a lot of money. I do not have to to pay for daycare and makes sure kids get to school. He makes sure meals are ready when we have food to cook but at least I thank god food is one thing my husband gets and makes.
Sure we have for kids and myself to eat. I don't know if there is rock bottom but to top all this off about 4 days ago I got news that after 1st of year (2016) there will be 275 laid off employees. I unfortunately am one of them. This is devastating news but for sake of our kids me and my husband try and stay positive and make sure they still are kids and have a good childhood.
I'm just asking for help from the government. A lift would be great in assistance in UTILITIES such as electric, water bills 238.00(electric), $51.00(water)
We owe RENT $600.00 (3 weeks behind). We need HOLIDAY HELP and that can be Anything for Christmas. We owe a CAR NOTE $150/month and are 2 months behind. It is our only car and don't work to good.
We owe PHONE BILL $176/month which is 2 months late. CAR ASSISTANCE is behind, and we would like and Need a reliable working car or would like to get my current car fixed.
I have no idea if I said to much but we got more bills on top of that but don't want to ask for too much. I know & understand other families need help as well In which I will pray for my family as well as others that are in need of help with bills and holidays like Christmas where no kid should wake up on that day and not have no gifts. I pray and hope y'all are able to help me & my family in any way possible. It would be a miracle and very much appreciated. Thank you & God bless.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Affleck »

Last November my family, who lives in Arizona, was sent into a whirlwind of pain, sadness and despair after my Dad shot himself in a suicide attempt. (On top of his most likely being bi-polar, but to full of pride to seek help, my Mom said she was leaving him due to years of mental, physical and emotional abuse). While he survived, he is not well & staying in a halfway house facing many health issues and trauma due to his injuries. My Mom was left homeless & in a deep state of depression and applied for public assistance. She has been staying with my brother who lost his job after all this happened, leaving him in a terrible place financially, mentally and physically.
They have a house full of stuff, 22 years’ worth, in 2 storage spaces which they cannot afford any longer. These spaces hold everything they own. I'm so worried they will lose it all. This, among other financial issues, such as paying rent or buying food are also a concern. They need to move by the end of October and need to hire movers as both my Mom & Brother are not physically well enough to do so on their own. My brother's car is barely drivable any longer & the gas mileage it gets is terrible!
I don't know what else to do to help. I created a gofundme and was able to raise some cash to help them out, but it just wasn't enough. Even the public aid she gets does not pay all their bills. I just want my Mom and Brother safe & to be able to feel secure & happy. It's been so long since they have had that.
I know many of us face financial hardships daily. But still, I’m asking for any help.
I need to try anything at this point.
Thanks for reading.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Admin »

We are sorry to hear about your dad, but the public assistance programs in Arizona may be able to help you. There may be some help in burying him, or maybe cash assistance can be used by you during the short term as well. But your brother does need to get back into the workforce and get another job. Some of the public aid may even pay for mental counseling too. Find details on services in Arizona. ... izona.html
Affleck wrote:Last November my family, who lives in Arizona, was sent into a whirlwind of pain, sadness and despair after my Dad shot himself in a suicide attempt.
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Re: Public assistance

Post by Overnight »

Hello, my name  is Amber. I'm a single mother of 5 beautiful little girls.. I'm a place in my life with no help no family no support and my arms tied. I can’t seem to fight to get ahead of so hard and am finally turning to public assistance.
I don’t want to give up not when I have my daughters that need me so much because they don’t have family that will take them if something happens to be.. I am homeless with all 5. All I want so bad is to get them a home to have and be able to do right for them.
I want them to get a diploma a degree do something great.. I want be the best hemitheid can be..  every mother sh6want that for their kids and mean it.
I know I do.. at this point in my life  I just don’t know where to begin get get public aid for my girls. I can’t get my girls in day care because I don’t have an address. I almost couldn't get them in school because of not having an address. I had to have someone say they have custody of them to even do so.
  I have so much I want to do for them and myself but with us not having a stable place I can’t get nothing done.
And the biggest thing is that I have to have a surgery done asap, I had my gallbladder taken out and I've had problems ever since.. a year ago, they put a stent in my duct and it was supposed to be taken out 4 to 6weeks after they put it and it's been a year now. The doctor called me and told me if o don’t get it done that I'd couldn't  die. I'm already having pain where it's at. I really need to have it done before something bad happens But I don’t have a home nor a home and need public assistance and housing. Or my girls to go home to. Nor do I have someone that will take my girls.. aim reaching out to see if I can get any help support even advice. Please contact me back and let me know if you can lead me in the right place or even help.

           Thanks, and have a blessed day
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