Am in a financial emergency

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Am in a financial emergency

Post by Wegerskia99 »

We are in a financial emergency. We are a family of 5 and with a young 4 yr old and 9 month old and very low on food. We have several bills that are close to two months behind and a couple bills (electric) and cars will be shut off and taken away if we can not make the payments. We have only enough to cover either some rent or some bills. I just started a part time job and my husband has had several interviews but we are just behind from his layoff.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Admin »

The first thing you need to do is get food for you and your family. Without that everything else is meaningless. Find our listing of Denver and Colorado food banks. When you call these centers also ask about programs in your area for paying utility bills, rent, debts, and any other help you may need during your emergency period you are apparently facing. Good luck, and write back to let us know how it went.
Wegerskia99 wrote:We are in a financial emergency. We are a family of 5 and with a young 4 yr old and 9 month old and very low on food. We have several bills that are close to two months behind and a couple bills (electric) and cars will be shut off and taken away if we can not make the payments. We have only enough to cover either some rent or some bills. I just started a part time job and my husband has had several interviews but we are just behind from his layoff.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Azrael77 »

Join the club dude! We are a family of 6 with NO income due to unemploy,ent running out and my boss sexually assaulting me so I had to quit! Get to a food bank stat!
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Seexemomma »

I searched but could not find a Community Action Office for this State. We are in
Oklahoma City. Who do we contact for rental assistance and also Energy assistance. Thanks Maggie. I forgot to say we are seniors.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by HotBabe »

Well, we have hundreds of community action agencies listed, including some fore Oklahoma. Use this link for more information. click here, and then use the navigation bar on the left margin. That is the best way to navigate the site and to find programs.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by merk1 »

I am unemployed and in need of some assistance with the following bills and wonder if you can direct me to anyone that would be able to help: Rent for a bedroom in my friends home-$500 (was due 5/1)Storage for my furniture, dishes, etc. that will not fit in the bedroom I am renting $115 for Car insurance, $52.44 Comcast wireless service bill for the computer I use to look for employment-79.95 If you can direct me to assistance with any or all of these it would be most appreciated.I can be reached at this e-mail or by phone. I prefer the e-mail as I am hard of hearing but an use the phone if need be. Sincerely
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by MarcLev »

I can't find help for my rent or utilities. I've lost my room mate and have 3 children while i' am living off of ssi disability and there is no one else i can depend on for a while. My kids have birthdays coming up and my life is just a huge mess with health problems etc... Please help me in any way would be heaven sent. Any programs for low-income single moms in Memphis Tennessee in need of the basic essentials,income support,child program services,domestic assistance or holiday food/help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Caroline12 »

I'm a single mother going through a divorce and my son has diabetes. I'm staying with friends and paying the rent and part of the bills. I have a car payment a phone bill and my part of the bill here I buy most of the food. My insurance doesn't cover my kid’s medications. But I have a full time job and I get paid by weekly. I have 4 dollars left and I don't get paid till the 4th of next month. I’m about out of gas I have no way of getting food when were out my car payment is due my credit card is past few . My phone bill is past dew and I've got to pay for my part of power water and so by the 30th. Please I need help!!!!! I wouldn't ask if things hadn't gotten so hard.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Hoffa »

My main additional assistance is my Utility bill and my rent. I just recently got laid off and my job had no more work. If I could receive any assistance I would be very blessed. Thank you for taking this time to read my needs and I really hope to hear from you real soon! Thanks again and have a blessed day.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Maria B »

I am in major crisis with my rent, water and utility bill. I have one 5 year old. My mom died last year and dad air cared critical for car accident. Girls dad has been sick in and out of hospital in the last month. I start working next week but Its not soon enough. My mom was all I had and I’m so worried about keeping a roof for my babies. My 85 year old grandma lives directly next door and if we loose our home she will loose her life as she know it also. I take care of her and she needs me. She has lived in the same home for nearly 60 years. Please help we are good people whom have never been close to this in need. Thank you for your time and God Bless.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Admin »

With that diverse set of needs, such as car payments, credit cards and medications, your best bet may be a non-profit credit counseling agency. There are many in Tennessee. While we doubt they can help with phone bills and food, basically they provide counseling and advice to help you get back on track with paying your bills and addressing financial matters and issues. They really do focus in particular on credit cards debts. Learn more.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Elliot »

My husband lost his job back In April and I am going to school full time. I receive $105.00/week from child support and that is all the money I have. My husband says he left a message for our local human services dept here in Fort Myers, FL as well as the 211 number, but we have not heard anything from anyone. Our current situation is as follows: We owe back rent in the amount of $2400 and are at the verge of being homeless. My husband had applied for unemployment and was supposed to hear back from an adjudicator and even with him leaving multiple messages for someone to call to give him an interview he never received a call. Our electric has already been shut off once and I luckily was able to get it turned back on with the money I had from child support. Our water is due to be shut off this coming Thursday, and I don't have enough money at this time to keep the water on. We lost our car last week due to repossession. I was only able to make a partial payment on 9/22 and that was not enough since due to my husband being out of work it has put us too far behind. So at this time we have no transportation.
My husband has been actively looking for work but has not had much luck. He does computer work and there isn't a whole lot of jobs for that available at this time. He has even applied at places like Home Depot and Lowes. I have put an ad up on to see if anyone needs their house cleaned or anything that I can do part time while I am doing school. I am trying to prevent us from being homeless, so if you could please call my husband and to let us know if you may know of anyone that may be able to help us in our situation. My son and I may have a friend I can stay with for a couple of days but after that we will all be in a shelter and I would like to prevent that if possible. I have even thought about selling all of our furniture. I just don't know what to do anymore. Any help for our family would be appreciated.
Thank you,
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Lewis »


We live in Georgia. My mom, who is disabled on social security disability, resides with us.

I stay home with my mom since I cannot leave her alone. By doing this I am able to keep her out of a nursing home where she cannot get the one on one care that I give her. She is also very content here whereas somewhere else her mental state is fragile due to the stroke she had and the damage that it did. She can easily get upset when she is not understanding something that is said to her, frightened is probably a better word.

I have been told, though I am not sure, that there is financial assistance available for Georgia residents so that I am able to stay home with her and continue the daily care that she needs. Is there such a program available?

At this time the only income that my household has is the disability check that my mom receives. Our household suffered a tremendous hardship around February 2013 due to a personal auto accident that my husband was in. He was a oil truck driver and this has ruined his career. No trucking company will hire him. He was let go at this job due to this accident and was awarded unemployment that just recently came to an end. They are not doing extensions. He is a student now at the age of 48. He is searching for employment but his experience is very limited. It has been no easy task even getting an interview.

So, we continue to work at things the best that we can and one day we'll get there. But right now we need help and are hoping that there is some sort of assistance out there for our household. We have no children. We are planning to file for food stamps in the very near future. I am just waiting on a phone call back for a checklist of what I need to have on hand when filing and I'm hoping to be able to squeeze in the gas to make it down there.

We entered into chapter 13 in 2009. We were a part of the economic crisis that occurred in 2008. But we were able to hold onto our home. Up until February 2013, we were handling things okay. Now though we are not able to handle things at this time. We are concerned that we will lose our home. I have paperwork ready to go out in the mail on Wednesday to ask our mortgage company for an interest rate reduction due to our financial hardship. Right now the only assistance we have to look forward to is the food stamps while hoping that our interest rate can be reduced. Is there any help available to us that we might qualify for? I'm sorry for such a lengthy email. It's just very hard to say what is going on in our household in a few small paragraphs. Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate it.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by Admin »

Some states do help pay for home care if an immediate family member is disabled. We are not sure if Georgia does, and there are many funding restrictions and application parameters too. SSDI may also offer additional compensation as well, so call social security. Locate all of the benefits for the disabled in Georgia. Click here.
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Re: Am in a financial emergency

Post by CCuomo »

Hi, my son will be two in October. We have been homeless sine February. I am currently on MFIB, food stamps and am supposed to get child support but don't receive anything.
We have a five year no contact order against my son's father. I am working a very good job now (but it's part time) and have been approved to move into a apartment building but before they will let us move in I need to pay off my unlawful detainer from February, and come up with first/ last month and security deposit. I'm unable to use Anoka County emergency assistance until October. We have exhausted all of our personal resources. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.
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