COVID Court case for 3 pay warning of eviction

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Jason Van Horn
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COVID Court case for 3 pay warning of eviction

Post by Jason Van Horn »

Hi there,
I hope you are having a great day! I am writing to you because recently I had to go to court because my landlord has evicted me after five years of living in his home. He gave me a day notice warning even with COVID. I had never been late on my rent or missed a payment but when my client passed away from COVID that left me out of work. I'm a caretaker, I work for a company in Palm Desert.
A couple weeks later my dad passed away from COVID and I was financially responsible for his cremation which set me back more. At this point I asked my landlord if I could apply for the rental assistance in which he refused and said "he wasn't interested'. I asked him on three different occasions and every time he said "no". Struggling and getting more behind he served me a 3 day pay or quit notice in March when the assistance was no longer available. Then when it can't get any worse I thought, my thirty five year old brother lost his battle to colon cancer and passed away. If you can imagine this has been a rough year for me.
I have to be strong though for my fourteen year old daughter. I am the only parent she has. Her dad passed away two years ago, also with COVID. With all that being said I am reaching out to you for some help which I don't normally do, but with lockout day being the 16th of December. I am beyond stressed. Not my typical way to spend the holidays that'd for sure, but falling into depression from a 3 day warning of eviction and future court case is not going to help anything either.
So at the moment I reside in San Bernardino County but I found a home in Corona Riverside County that is more in my price range and also it is much closer to the dog grooming school I am currently applying to go to! I am asking for financial help with the deposit and first months rent if possible please. I am eager for a fresh start and bettering myself with a new career for the future after I deal with the warning and the court! I look forward to hearing from you soon and thank you! I really hope you can help because I don't know where or what we are going to do on the 16th. Have a good day--
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Re: COVID Court case for 3 pay warning of eviction

Post by Goodman »

I hope this email finds you well and in great spirits.
I am writing to inquire about the possibility of receiving rental assistance for my current housing situation as we received a 3 days notice to pay or leave on June 6 2023. We have court case, but had a COVID hardship. I have been trying to find solutions to pay but I am struggling to keep up with the rent payments, and the financial burden has become increasingly challenging, especially with my wife's pregnancy. I am seeking your help for rental assistance due to the financial difficulties I am currently facing. My wife is pregnant and due in the upcoming weeks, and we are struggling to make ends meet, particularly when it comes to paying our rent.
My wife is due in the upcoming weeks, and we are concerned about our ability to continue to live in our home without being evicted if we lose the COVID court case for the 3 day eviction notice. As we prepare for the arrival of our new family member, we would like to seek your help in ensuring that we have a stable and secure place to raise our child.
I am currently facing financial difficulties and I am unable to pay the amount owed in partially nor in full. This is due to a number of reasons, including loss of income caused by COVID-19, increased expenses related to my wife's pregnancy (due date May 17th, 2023), and pending approval of my visa renewal which has left me unable to work for any employer at the moment. We are hoping that your program could provide some assistance to help us make ends meet and pay the due month of April of $2,700 during this challenging time. This will allow us to stay in our apartment located at Los Angeles, CA, 90048 until August 2023 while I am securing income for my Family to catch up on my accumulated past dues since February 2022 - $35,000.
Additionally, I have the below documents available to support my claims of loss of income and financial hardship, including:
Notice to Landlord of Inability to Pay Rent due to COVID-19
Zero income affidavit
Declaration of of covid-19 related financial distress for the court case and the housing court judge.
I understand that this situation is not ideal, and I appreciate your help and understanding. We are soliciting your help to work together in finding a positive resolution that would allow BH Property to be paid off the amount due and avoid eviction for my family, while also allowing my family to continue living in decent conditions.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If there is any additional information that you need from me, please let me know, and I will be happy to provide it. I am grateful for any help you can offer us in this difficult time.
Thank you for considering our request and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.
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Re: COVID Court case for 3 pay warning of eviction

Post by Admin »

There are a number of state and nationwide programs for tenants with an eviction notice. You can find them here. Even if a 3 day notice that you have, look here for help for low-income families with an eviction notice.
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