Staying in a Christian transitional home

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Staying in a Christian transitional home

Post by Mccant »

To whom it may concern, hello, my name is Mr. Jimmy and I am currently a resident at a Christian Transitional home here in Greensboro. I am writing this in regards to my current situation. I have been encouraged many times to reach out before and expand a network of other believers in this area for fellowship and support, but have not until now. I am in desperate need. Please, let me explain a little and I would like to be fully honest with you about everything.
I am currently on the * offender registry and have been on probation for the last two years, and that is why I am in the Christian transitional home. I get off in 2021 and have a fiancé who is from South Sudan. We will be expecting our first daughter Keziah in August. I got out of prison in 2018 and have been here in this home ever since. I should have already built something for myself in those two years, but I fell into a deep dark hole of depression caused by my disobedience to God. I have learned through that, that the hardest person to forgive is myself, even after God has blessed me and still blesses me with life and a desire to live in His righteousness. I despise my own righteousness, it has taken me nowhere but through the valley of despair and misery.
In September of 2017, I was in a car accident that nearly took my life. As I laid there in the hospital with tubes in my chest, friends were there standing over me saying, "God saved you Jimmy, He is still reaching out His hands to you, please come back to Him." Another barrier that stood in my way to success was my addiction to alcohol.
In a way, I guess you could also say that I became addicted to my own pain. Being on the registry demands a lot, bringing the stipulations with it that pertain to probation. I have a desire to be a great man but feel as if I have fallen too far. We have a child on the way soon, so I have been trying to gain employment somewhere closely before she gets here. We have not been able to buy a single thing for her yet.
The Christian transitional home place where I live only charges $100 a month and as of now I am so far behind. The Pastor who runs the house has been so merciful to me by continuing to let me stay here until I can find somewhere else to go. But I do not know for how much longer. I use to be the worship leader in the Church but have stepped down for now. There are a few options for me to gain employment but transportation is an issue.
One year ago when I enrolled in college, financial aid said they could not help because I did not enroll with Selective Service between the ages of 18-25. But something amazing happened a few days ago while I was at NC works. The lady I was talking to receive a message to call Selective Service and they fixed everything. Even though I have no recollection of enrolling they told me I did back in 2005 and I would now be able to receive financial aid. So I will have that to continue an education in Culinary Arts. If there is any way that you can help me get back on my feet I will take the opportunity and build something from it. It is kind of hard to do it on your own after digging such a deep hole.
I have let a lot of people down and I just want to take my life back, rebuild and mend all of those broken relationships. My goal is to get transportation so I can travel to Winston Salem during the week to finish the 3 month introduction to Culinary Arts offered at the Second Harvest Food Bank and then gain full time employment during my internship while also working on my online degree. Somewhere in between my day and night Culinary Arts classes I will seek part time employment which is also mandated by the Christian transitional home. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
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Re: Staying in a Christian transitional home

Post by Daisy Marie »


Last week my dad was rushed to the hospital with a stroke and a few hours later they ended up doing surgery on him and amputating his leg because of a blood clot. It all happened so fast. He's at the hospital we have not been able to see him because of Covid. But my mom will have to be taken care of him when he comes home soon, now they are in a transitional home that is Christian based. They have no wheelchair ramp or any kind of grip bars in the house so he doesn't fall. They have a very old 1980 Dodge Dynasty car that is a mess and breaks down a lot. The window doesn't roll up so my mom got a cold from driving to the hospital in the winter snow storm with her window down the whole time. But she's amazing at being my mom. She will always take care of you no matter what. I don't think my dad will be able to get a wheelchair in this old car now that he lost a leg. And I think it will be hard for him to get in the car. I'm lost as to how to start helping them.
I am the daughter I don't live with them. I live in Columbus Wisconsin they live in Janesville Wisconsin in the Christian transitional home. They do not know how to use the Internet or even have the Internet. They don't have a phonebook. They just have a phone and they really don't know how to get in contact with people to help them. I'm wondering if there's any way you can help them or help send us in the right direction? Any little bit of help would be so appreciated.
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Re: Staying in a Christian transitional home

Post by Admin »

Sorry to hear about your dad and his rushing to hospital. Since he is older, he may qualify for senior citizen income based homes.
A main program is section 202, and that link above will provide information on it. Try that for your dad.
Daisy Marie wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:36 am Hi
Last week my dad was rushed to the hospital with a stroke and a few hours later they ended up doing surgery on him and amputating his leg because of a blood clot.
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