Family problems

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Family problems

Post by StoneCold »

In December, 2016, my son and daughter in law were having financial and drug problems. Daughter in law asked to move in with me, son had large amount of money stolen from him. Helped them move in with me and put furniture etc. in storage. Daughter in law found out she was pregnant.
Then in August, my mother passed away from cancer. Went to funeral on bus from Alabama to Minnesota with help from brother, got help coming home on bus with help from brother. Making it little by little, funds from mom's estate enabled me to help my kids out but foolish decisions on my part, i.e. giving my son money and him not paying it back. Loaning large sums of money to friends thinking I'd get it back. Buying furniture, clothes, etc. for the birth of my first grandchild in February of 2016. Little by little money is going, going gone.
I Insisted that my oldest son, youngest son and daughter-in-law get jobs. They youngster's first job. Daughter-in-law goes part time then eventually quit to stay home with granddaughter. Oldest son having issues with back and in December while I was in the hospital, he lost his job. So when I got home recovering from pneumonia, I had to deal with how to pay bills.
January, more foolish decisions on my part, loaning oldest money with promise of paying back. He didn't. Rent goes unpaid, made payment arrangements with creditors, get what help I can with local services. Oldest son gets job, thinking its full time but manager hires too many and job is 24 hours a week and slowly ends up being 1 day a week. He's looking for other work now but it doesn't help out with bills. Thank goodness they have funds to buy us all food.
Youngest son is still working although he hates the work and has much pain in his knees due to Osgood Schlatters Disease. Yet, still he works and gives most of his checks to pay bills. My disability has been paying the rest.
Then boom!! 2 bad tires, $80. 2 unauthorized transactions on my bank account of $140, debit card is missing...4 more unauthorized transactions of $249. Account is overdrawn by $500. Disability check of $776 covers that and all automated payments are coming through with only $100 in the account, including car insurance. (Had to buy miscellaneous household things).
Today, the 4th of May one for $200 is coming through. Friday the 8th, $135 comes through. AND I still have to pay $700 for rent! $500 for May, $200 for April. I have other bills that will come due throughout the month. Electric May 27 $165. May 17 Water/trash for April/May approximately $300. I am fairly sure if I can just get the help for the current stuff, I will be just fine. PLEASE, I am desperate.
I have researched all the services available to me here. I had someone to help but he expected 'help' in return. Sexually and I said no. $1000 is a LOT of money I know but I have faith. I can't give up although I have been really close to it. Please...I am stressed which affects my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. And top of all that, the things I got from my mom's estate are in storage and it's a very good possibility I will lost that by the 18th of May.
I am giving my oldest an ultimatum to move in 2 months due to these family problems. He will not have access to my new debit card. My youngest and I will be okay. He gives and gives and never complains. If it wasn't for my 14 month old granddaughter, I think I would have been much tougher on my oldest. And I am going to be tough on him now. I am going to reach out to someone to help me get my finances in order. I just can't do it on my own any more...not at 60 years old. This is supposed to be my time. Things aren't supposed to be this hard simply because I chose to help my children out.
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Re: Family problems

Post by Bamafan »

We have one income. Which we try to pay heat, rent, electric, food, clothes, diapers, bed ($160 a month), waiting on disability because my back and arthritis is bad so I cannot work. Have a 7 year old in school that needs clothes and a two year old.
We also have trouble with gas for our car, getting back and forth to appointments and work. We are currently in counseling due to marital problems because I’m unable to work. Also need someone here to watch my son and take my daughter on and off the bus. So I can't work regardless. My car insurance is 128/month and we definitely need that also keeping our phones on. I will appreciate any help. Thank you
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Re: Family problems

Post by Admin »

That is a lot of needs. There are financial aid programs in Fairfax County. As far as the clothes, furniture, etc. try a clothing or furniture bank. Gasoline is rare...maybe the Salvation Army has a voucher. But that is a long list of needs.
Bamafan wrote:We have one income. Which we try to pay heat, rent, electric, food, clothes, diapers, bed ($160 a month), waiting on disability because my back and arthritis is bad so I cannot work. Have a 7 year old in school that needs clothes and a two year old.
We also have trouble with gas for our car, getting back and forth to appointments and work. We are currently in counseling due to marital problems because I’m unable to work. Also need someone here to watch my son and take my daughter on and off the bus. So I can't work regardless. My car insurance is 128/month and we definitely need that also keeping our phones on. I will appreciate any help. Thank you
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