My veteran husband died

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Be White
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My veteran husband died

Post by Be White »

Hello. My husband served in the military and was 100% disabled due to a service connected injury. My husband passed away in September 2017 due to complications arising from his injuries. I have two children, a daughter who is 20 and attends college with help from the G.I. bill as well as a son, and 12 years old who suffers from Autism. Currently we receive monthly DIC benefits in the amount of $ 1254.19, as well as $208 monthly from SSI for my son's disability. I have CHAMPVA medical insurance and both children receive Medicaid. I've had persistent and gradually increasing health issues. Most recently I was informed that I have several masses on my thyroid that could potentially be cancer. I'm awaiting an appointment with an endocrinologist and even if the masses are benign, surgery to remove the thyroid is almost a guarantee.
My ability to work is virtually impossible and it only grows increasingly difficult with each day.
The reason I am contacting you is because despite my best efforts I cannot find a home for myself and my children. We are sleeping in a friend's living room and we are no longer able to keep this arrangement. I have no family and nowhere else to go. The following are the most difficult if the obstacles that we face:
1. As I mentioned, my son is autistic. In 2013 his therapist recommended getting him a dog. Research has shown that an animal is very therapeutic for children like my son so I found him a beautiful dog that we were able to rescue from an abusive home. He is house broken, meek, mild mannered, neutered and up to date on all his shots. Our dog has helped my son with emotional support and provided the entire family with unconditional love HOWEVER... Homeless shelters do not allow pets and if I had to get rid of the dog, my son would never be able to recover and I'm certain the traumatic stress that would undoubtedly occur would be detrimental. So this has factored heavily into our inability to find somewhere to go.
2. As I stated...I have a monthly income. Our DIC benefits along with the disability SSI I receive for my son isn't much but out would allow me to pay rent even though I currently can't work. The challenge is most rental agencies or homeowners ask a potential tenant to pay one month rent PLUS a deposit that's usually the same amount as the rent. Ex: $600 monthly rent plus $600 deposit. This large lump sum of money is almost impossible to come up with at one time. Though we are not currently in our own home I still have to pay anyone we stay with for room and board as well as buy our own groceries, hygiene supplies, etc. Therefore the ability to save up that much money will take time we don't have.
I own an old vehicle that could use some much needed repair but that has also been postponed due to lack of funds. I fear that my vehicle may soon be our home if I can't figure out a way to overcome the obstacles in front of me.
I've looked into section 8 but they have a several year waiting list and they aren't currently accepting applications. I don't qualify for a habitat home because I'm unable to work. I've contacted many agencies that are unable to help because I have a dog, or because I'm not THE veteran, or because I'm not living in a homeless shelter. The friend we are staying with lives in Moore County. I have a post office box in Rowan County. I grew up in New Hanover County. I've looked for houses everywhere in the state of NC. I will go anywhere that can help us. Please let me know if any resources that may be able to help. Thank you so very much for your time.
Praying for a miracle
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Re: My veteran husband died

Post by Finch »

Good morning to you: I have just recently received all the information from the VA Administration offices regarding my father, Donald Lee well and his Veterans benefits. My husband passed away July of this year.  It has been very hard for me. Nonetheless, I was so proud of my veteran daddy and thankful for his service. I am a divorced single mother now with no husband.  Struggling to keep a roof over my head, pay bills and keep food on the table.  My ex-husband the veteran as started garnishing my pay for $900 a month in child support and is alienating my boys from me. I am reaching out however I can to get assistance for my housing after he died.  My take home pay is barely $300 a week now and my landlord has no more patience for me since I can’t pay full rent the first of each month. Might your organization be of assistance to me? If not, do you know where I can reach out for help? Thank you in advance and kind blessings, Jill
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