I am stuck and need help

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I am stuck and need help

Post by Joanne »

Hello, I am in the process of trying to get on my feet and make a life for my family. My fiancé’s and he has a 10-year-old little girl named. we are homeless. And we have no income we do receive food assistance and health insurance. My husband is trying to get his disability.
For his open-heart surgery and continuous heart complications and strokes he and is daughter’s mom have no court involvement but she wants him to take her mom to custody court but us not having a home for her or an income he's worried he will lose rights to her. I have been trying extremely hard to get a job I have an interview tomorrow at 1pm at gas call center but I have no experience, so it has been rather difficult to get a job I'm exhausted from being in the streets we have no body my father helps when he can, but he has bills of his own. If there Is any way we can get some help getting a permanent home I have been putting applications in everyday I have 3 different job search apps that I put at least 3 or 4 apps in on each job search apps every day for the past 3 months and it has been dragging me down because I have never had an over the table jobs I have experience with kids and infants and toddlers and teens also housekeeping and yard work but. Never a steady income. Please if u can help us with anything to get us a home I promise. I will not let you down I will have a job hopefully 2.
In no more the 2 months I'm praying for one sooner but 8 have been at it for 3 months already. And I feel it's getting close. I have faith in myself. And I am a fast learner and hard worker I am just tired of. Being in the streets day after day. Trying to stay strong and positive but I cannot continue living like this. All l I need is a place to call home and. I guaranteed I'll have my feet on the ground in. No more than 2 months. But it's hard to focus on. A job. While. I'm trying to stay warm and safe and to take care of my fiancé, so I don't have to live without me. Amazing new family I really need this. And I'm not one to ask or beg for help especially with w permanent home. And help getting a job a permanent position and I will be able to take care of my new family. And we can finally get Krysten in our life. At least on weekends. If u can give me a call or email me asap please. U will not regret helping us get on my feet I just need help. Getting a home and. Help. Getting a job or 2. If you would be so kind as to.
Give me a chance to prove that I can make it. Everyone needs help from time to time. And it's my time. To need help. But if you can help me get started on my goals. I know that I will succeed. I just can't do it alone. Not this time my stress has caused me to have a miscarriage already and I refuse to give up not wen I'm so close to being on top. And my depression. Is not going to win. This time. Because I am a woman and I have a family of my own. And an amazing one at that I can't let them down and I will not fall until my duties as wife and step mom is in my favor and.
Then the only falling I'm going to be doing is falling asleep in our home so I can wake up and work my butt off to make not just my husband and step daughter proud but to make me proud of me I've came a long way from where I was, and I will. Be the best that I can, and I will. Make my family happy that I'm who I always was meant to be. A wife and a mother figure. To the best family I could only pray. For and if not for my family I would not be so close to Succeeding in my goals. I know I don't have many but. I'm proud of how far I have come, and I don't feel wrong for. Asking for a little bit of help accomplishing my goals. I had never felt so strong and good about me until. These past 3 months. I'm strong and I'm proud of me so I think deserve to be a little bit need. For a few weeks well. My goal by is to get my husband and our family off the streets. And get job to support us. While my husband is fighting for disability, so we can. Grow together as a team and family and even friends I’m so sorry it's late and it's so much to read. But please. Give me a chance to sit down and. Show u. How in control I am and explain. How far I have come. And 6 I need an ill help to get on my feet. And then give me a month to. Prove. That. I am. Going to complete my goals. With urn help in relieving some of my stress and depression by. Getting my sick disabled husband in a home so I can. Work. To keep that roof and then he can. Take her mom to court for split custody and after I get on my feet and my husband gets his disability. And we get to have her on the weekends. I can go ack to school like I wanted for massage therapy and. Possibly get my child care daycare license. Then I will have accomplished all my goals and all my dreams. And I will be ??% satisfied with Me again. At that would have kept my word and became the woman I was meant to be, and I will be ever so grateful to those who encouraged me and had faith in me and my goals. Those who gave me the benefit of the doubt and Helped me. Prove to myself that I can do it. It's okay to need a little help along the way.
Nobody can complete their journey alone no matter how strong they are.
They're not Perfect. They are just human .... Again, I'm sorry for my late rambling I just I'm stuck and I truly need help. Please give me a call when you read this weather I can help us or not. I would really like to meet up with you or anyone. If even for some advice and prayers maybe some faith and encouragement. For some to listen to my life struggle I know there is. People who need help More or something like that, but I just need. Faith and Hope to get to wear I'm going. I'm not alone never alone I have the most amazing man that I get to spend my life with and I get to take care of him and be the best wife and life partner/best friend that I can be. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you get in touch with us soon and again my name is Erika and I really appreciate you for taking the time to hear me out. We hope to hear from you soon can't wait to reach my goals I'm so excited to be me every one said I'll never make it most people mare bets that I'd commit suicide by the time I was 23. But I am on my way to 26 and I am to make it to my time and I had a long way to go. Of bless you and your family have a wonderful night and a blessed day thanks again urn a blessing timely
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Re: I am stuck and need help

Post by Admin »

Yes, that is a long email (and as you said rambling (your words not ours!)) so we suggest you explore our main site for resources. As there are many to try, and they are listed here. https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/
All sorts of financial assistance programs, free items, and more is listed there.
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Re: I am stuck and need help

Post by Trumper »

I'm in need for car repair or to get a car assistance. I work and trying to keep my job and I'm also in need for childcare assistance and I also want to get on section 8. I live in low income and my rent has went up to me working now and I'm on a payment plan with DTE and I believe I'm paying too much for the town home I live in. I feel stuck in my life. Can so one Call me soon?
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Re: I am stuck and need help

Post by Admin »

There are both repair programs for cars and also charitable, donation services. Both are rare though. It may be a volunteer mechanic with a church that does some work, a community action agency, or other resources. Find how to get a free used car.
Trumper wrote:I'm in need for car repair or to get a car assistance.
Johnny Oil
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Re: I am stuck and need help

Post by Johnny Oil »

I am a mother of 4. My Son 19, son 12, son 6 & daughter 1. My 3 youngest live with me. I am a single parent and I feel stuck in life. I lost my job in January and have been meeting our essentials and paying bills with this year’s tax return for the past 2 months. My truck is broke down and have no family or resources that can help my family. Can you please help direct me to an organization that might help me help my family get on our feet and back on track in life before it's too late? Any information you have will be greatly appreciated.
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