Lupus patient needing rent help

The main NHPB site has more information on local rent assistance programs.
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Lupus patient needing rent help

Post by BradyRules »

I am in need of rent assistance. My brother was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus and I stopped going to school to help my mother, who was unemployed at the time, pay off some of my brother's medical expenses. I have fallen behind on my rent and I would like to avoid eviction so that I may jump back into school. I was going to school for Biomedical Engineering and I'm now looking to minor in sign language. if anyone is able to help me, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you!
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Re: Lupus patient needing rent help

Post by Shades »

Hello, I'm in the process of being evicted as soon as June 12th. I have contacted so many agencies even outside my county a lot of them no funding.
I'm a mother of 2. I did have 3 kids, but my daughter died from lupus complications and kidney failure. I have a son who is autistic with severe anxiety. I'm currently off work the last three months from hurting my ankle and a bulging disk in my back.
I need $2190 to stop me and my children from being evicted with no place to go. I never been this in the desperate type of need before so I'm asking if it’s any services that you know of that I can apply for it would greatly be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Lupus patient needing rent help

Post by mentalhealthday »

I was currently employed, but do to a severe flare in Lupus symptoms I was noT able to continue with employment. At the moment I am seeking another less stressful job, but until then I have no way of paying my rent for the month of December and possibly January?
As I said, I am actively seeking other employment. I have on going medical problems other than SLE Lupus, but I would prefer to take care of myself as long as possible. I just need help during this time. Thank you. I have not paid rent for the month of December and will be evicted next week if I don't come up with the funds.
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Re: Lupus patient needing rent help

Post by Admin »

If it is short term support you need, then try one or more of the emergency rent assistance programs that are out there. Now as long as you are planning on going back to work with your condition (Lupus), you may have some options out there. We have a list of them that are available. They are listed here. ... tance.html
mentalhealthday wrote: I just need help during this time. Thank you.
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Re: Lupus patient needing rent help

Post by Olivia »

I suffer from nephradic syndrome and lupus and I need rent help.
My condition took a turn for the worse in 1998 when I was made aware of what was going on with my body.
In 1998 I began using medications that were given to me by my many nephrologists.
The meds did little and by 2002 the body started shutting down. Immediately after that I was put on dialysis treatments 3 times a week and for the most part was able to live.
I still worked and earned an income sufficient for my home and family.  Had many different jobs titles but yet still I knew I needed more to sustain family...Please take note that then my body was still strong...I battled through all to stay active withstanding all the daily visits to the hospital in the Bronx from Staten island and back.
Remarkably after much frustration from one Manhattan hospital my wife was a perfect match. I did not fight them and ran to every hospital including ones that had no way do the transplant......they were out of state.
By sheer coincidence I read about monitory in the Bronx and decided to call. That phone call proved to me that what I believed in truly soon as I spoke to the team there they almost forcefully pulled me in.
They interviewed me and wife my donor and July 7th I received my donor’s kidney for the Lupus.
They did all the work needed to move forward in one week...I still see some of them today like Susan who made it happen...dry green leaf who always argues with me about spending so much time teaching in Israel....we go crazy on politics...   I'm a sabra and not interested and he just wants to convert me.
My wife's transplant lasted 11 wonderful years.....I was regular guy.... I then developed and designed and manufactured a host of security type items that were very successful.......may I add with no funding except from credit from manufacturer's who believed in all we made because it all sold...I did trade shows and spared nothing to further the products..  2014 first kidney failed.....I'm back on dialysis.
Body becomes simply to weak again. My sons helped in every way but without me they could not make sale and things rapidly decline again.2015 July 15th I get an urgent call from hospital that I'm getting another kidney....cadaveric.......
Again, I'm myself for a brief 6 months. It seems that my blood has been overwhelmed by antigens..... many hospitals stay and many infections the kidney #2 fails...And 2 heart attacks in one week plus two ulcers....that ....  was very difficult week.
I took it like a man went back on dialysis and to compound that spent 30% of my days till now fighting effects from same antigens.
Now I'm up for another transplant but I need to stay in minimum good condition in order to save my home. I need rent help focused on people with Lupus.
For last 9 months have lost 90% of mobility and invested my time only in a new venture with a company that fits me perfectly..
Only thing is that I have no income to speak of. I'm staying positive and will battle through all this until I can’t any longer.
Bank has given me 3 options all that require funds that I cannot produce in 20 days given to my case.
So, I write this knowing that until I'm told otherwise it's a thought that will let me sleep tonight...P.S. in closing I'm praying for this story to find its way to someone that will help a Lupus patient with rent. I take it as a prayer to the one above and maybe just maybe hand it personally to him..
Happy holidays
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