Bad housing market hurt us

People that need mortgage help.
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Bad housing market hurt us

Post by Brewer »

I am a 37 year old single earner in a household of 8 soon to be 9. In early February another is due, and my wife is a stay at home mom now for over 12 years and my pregnant wife, 6 kids and I have fell on horribly hard times. After a 4 year fight loosing everything gained prior to a crumbling housing market of which was the base of my company we have went from hard times to terrible times.
After recently moving back to MN after a 2+ year go at chasing work across the Dakotas finally deciding to return to aid in a parents failing health situation. I'm in a position I'd never imagined possible from where we once stood. A recent unexpected job delay has left me now looking to fill winter months with work putting us in now our 3rd month of little to no income and am at a loss to where next months rent and tonight's dinner will come from.
And although my kids are well taken care of and are excelling in school and life as a hole I worry of such words as these bringing a government welfare worker to my home to insure my kids well being and challenging ability to provide but with that risk on my mind I've taken some advise to see what you may have as help for a guy like me. Although I've welcomed the challenges of raising a large family in a practicing Roman Catholic household I've come to see this is a time to reach out for help.
I never imagined myself in this situation but here I am. I have trouble even though I've paid near 1 million in taxes from sales to income in my short career. I still have trouble swallowing the fact of if I deserve such help and never seen myself dipping into the kettle that I've only added to in the past. Like I said I'm a self employed single income family of soon to be 9 in early February, and we are in need of anything and everything I can find for help. I know I won't be knocking on a bunch of doors and begging to all who claim to be able to help but I am putting my trust into the salvation army this once to see if it's available.
I am a resident of Elk river, and the housing market there has crushed us. My wife and I are graduates of Anoka and my 4 school aged kids go to Parker and Vanderburgh schools here in Elk river. My fridge is empty along with my pockets and my utility's are in limbo and that's really just the beginning.
My wife is on WIC and I'm again trying to fill out additional paper work for the SNAP food program and am turning those papers in today expecting more requests to arrive in mail from them before I ever see help. I will not let my family suffer and will make it all work out but I write this with a fear and tiredness enough to worry. I've been blessed with an unmatched set of skills that will again carry us forward in the future but I see now getting to 20% with nothing is harder than getting back to 100% from 20. This may be the 1 time I reach out as my foolish pride has been a constant hurdle. I hope this message finds you well and maybe something will come of it. Again thanks for your time and God bless.
Judd Alexis
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Re: Bad housing market hurt us

Post by Judd Alexis »

I was told to send an e-mail from my mortgage lender.
I am behind on my mortgage by 4 months due to this tough housing market in WI.
I live in Wisconsin.
We live at Stoughton, WI.
We have fallen into a hardship because my husband is suffering from severe depression and anxiety. I own my own business and things have been steady but not as good as they can be. Please help!?
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Re: Bad housing market hurt us

Post by Julie »

Dear Madam/ Sir
I am 35 years of age I am a Zimbabwean that bought a home in NYC in 2006. I am a father of two.
I was involving in a car accident since 2007 now I am disabled. Then the housing collapsed and the market bad on us. My right hand is now affected I am not able to work for my family to pay the mortgage. I am living poverty. I sent the picture above. Please help me with mortgage.
Yours faithfully,
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