Criminal complaint due to violence

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AnnetteMichael Jones
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Criminal complaint due to violence

Post by AnnetteMichael Jones »

I am looking for assistance for a friend who is the victim of domestic violence. I went with her to file the criminal complaint and saw her injuries first hand, but now I had to return to Colorado where I live and am less able to help. It took months of violence and feeling unsafe in her own home for my friend to finally press criminal charges against her addicted boyfriend and this has had atomic consequences on her life. She started a new job through a temporary agency at Wells Fargo that pays VERY well, which makes it difficult for her to qualify for the type of assistance she needs right now, which is unfair because she has had to move homes TWICE since she started that job because of her involvement with her abuser, including one forced eviction. Recognizing what a blessing her job is in her life, I have all done everything I can think of to ensure that she is able to keep her job, in spite of the enormous stress she is under including having her car repossessed, as I was able to find her a Ride Share carpool through DART. The man who has been abusing her has no job and he has intimidated Sara into giving him most of her money in the past, so the no contact order that accompanies this criminal complaint is very important in order to keep she safe not only from physical violence but also from intimidation and psychological abuses that prevent her from being successful on her own.
The perpetrator in this case is a bad guy and was able to bond out on the domestic assault charge. Yesterday he had her gas, electricity and water turned off that were all in his name at the address she has currently rented in Des Moines. Sara owes Mid-American energy well over $1000 for last winter's bill (when she was also living with him) and therefore cannot get service in her own name. I am afraid she will violate the no contact order in her desperate effort to have electricity or worse - drop the order of protection altogether, so she can plead with this worthless man to help her.
Her immediate needs include getting utility services. I would just do a GoFund Me online for her power bill, if the humiliation wouldn't kill her but if St. Vincent de Paul would put their name to it and collect the money for her and not mention her although it would take a couple of weeks, I believe we could be successful in raising what she needs.
She also informed me that she needed food because all her money is going to rent right now (she is already falling behind and this is only her 2nd month in this house) but she has no car to get to food pantries and she has to keep going to her job Monday-Friday 8-5 using carpool right now, so daytime appointments are difficult but she can get some leave from work. She also needs counselors who have experience in situations like these to advise her and help her to see things clearly. Sara Van Tuyl comes from a very respectable family as does the abuser, actually but in any case Sara feels very alone because honestly, no one she grew up with that we know of have had to deal with circumstances such as these and I do not mean to sound elitist in saying so. Domestic violence happens to people of every class and level of education.
If you could forward this to anyone who can help us get this Mother of two on some solid footing during this severely trying time, and also reply to me as to how we get the process of getting services for her rolling, so that I can remain a steady voice for hope in her life, I would appreciate it. You may also call her, please call her. She will only have this phone number until the end of the week, I believe she said because it is on loan from her ex-husband. I might consider activating a line on my phone plan for her, because she HAS to be able to call police, at a minimum. Not having a phone is not really safe for her at this time.
Please help point us to the way out of this, St. Vincent de Paul and God bless,
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Re: Criminal complaint due to violence

Post by Gump »

Domestic Violence Abuse Victim and lost my job and medical conditions have worsened significantly and I will probably have to stop going to school. My family says it is all my fault because of me being and staying with my ex for the time I did, and I just wish one person could understand and want to help me file a criminal complaint to arrest him. Thank you so much!
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Re: Criminal complaint due to violence

Post by Admin »

We can't help you file a criminal complaint. But try free legal aid in Ohio. More info here. ... dvice.html
Also try a local charity or non-profit that focuses on domestic violence, as there are many organizations and hotlines out there.
Gump wrote:Domestic Violence Abuse Victim and lost my job and medical conditions have worsened significantly and I will probably have to stop going to school. My family says it is all my fault because of me being and staying with my ex for the time I did, and I just wish one person could understand and want to help me file a criminal complaint to arrest him. Thank you so much!
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