Food and more

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Food and more

Post by Melvin »

I am disabled and I have been since 2008. I am receiving SSI $720.00 monthly, my rent is 525.00, and my electric bill is 138.98 last month. I have 56.00 dollars left and I half to buy my medication 38.80. Medicaid insurance doesn't pay for, that leaves me 17 dollars to by personal needs. I am struggling with shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent, buying food, money to do my laundry, so I wear dirty clothes and I shower with no soap, I can't wash my hair, brush my teeth, wash my dishes, and I eat roman noodles and crackers all the time.
I don't have anybody helping me or that can help me. I lost my mother 7 years ago and I just lost my father who helped me a lot January 25, 2015. My family isn’t close so I can't ask them to help me and I have no car and I can barely walk to a food pantry due to my health. I'm begging you please help me get on housing, section 8, all my money goes on rent and bills. I need a place to eat a meal.
I called every place possible and I got no answers or they never called me back like they said they would I know because I'm disabled and I'm paying to much money for my rent that I'm considered an emergency, and I shouldn't half to wait for help that I have been begging for since 2008. I live alone, please I can't get no agency to help me with food or tell me how to get help. I have no where to go if I get evicted and am starving. I'm so tired of worrying its starting to interfere with my health, I'm so afraid of being on the streets and having no place to go and just giving up on life. Please contact me if you can help or you can tell me who to call for assistance. I'm grateful for any helpful information, MAY GOD BLESS YOU.
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Re: Food and more

Post by JimmyIven »

Need help with car payment (now past due), September rent. Utilities and food also needed. I find hard to find help as I am considered "single" though technically still married we are separated and divorcing. Have moved twice me 30 days which depleted funds. Great landlord, great neighborhood. I have 5 dogs designated "service and or working service" and his also helps bring in money when able to work. I also need food for the pets as well. Could use help with SSDI stuff too? Long story.
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Re: Food and more

Post by Admin »

Most of the free food pantries also offer clothing, cleaning supplies, soup, and more. If they don't, many have kind volunteers on site that will give you suggestions as to where to go. You can also often get toothpaste, detergent, and cleaning items. So ask them for those goods, while you pack a box full of free food from these pantries. Locate the emergency food pantries.
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Re: Food and more

Post by Chevy »

My wife is 80 years old, I'm 57 and disabled. I had 2 operations in May. Due to cost of my medications needed to thin my blood, we had to borrow money from the title for car loan company. It was a trap and after 4 months, I owe more than I borrowed after 4 payments.
What we need help with is enough food to last for month to a month and a half. If we can receive some help with food, we could pay the loan off and hopefully stand on our feet. Is it anyone that could help with food for a couple of months? A local church gave us a little food, but it was a small amount. We can be reached at this email or call us.
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