Help for my daughter

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Judd Alexis
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Help for my daughter

Post by Judd Alexis »

Hello, didn't know where else to turn. 25 year old with a 4 year old daughter getting evicted from their apartment. Single mom has beeand working jobs here and there, been going to college full time and taking care of her daughter, living in a 1 bedroom apartment and she's slept on the floor in the living room for months so her daughter can have the bedroom. (A real mom)
A little back ground on the crisis this girl has faced.
Was in a terribly verbally and physically abusive relationship for on and off for 3 years, every time they left, they were threatened. Family stepped in several times but didn't know how bad it really was until the black eye, fat lip and little girl saying, "he drug mommy out the front door by her hair and he hit her". (Tear jerking). Police report after police report made but young lady never followed through (finding out later out of fear for herself and her daughter). Then she had it when she knew her daughter saw what happened from her bedroom and ALL her savings she put into running a camp ground restaurant was stolen by him and she took her last beating.
She moved away, we tried getting her on housing assistance but she had to work a job for a minimum of 6 months. Wanting to keep her daughter out of the projects no matter what, she declined a place that was in a very gang related neighborhood in our city. She said she would "work as many jobs as it took and after getting her GED, was going to go to college to better herself" and pay herself for a one bedroom apartment just to stay in a safe neighborhood. She was paying (is paying) 450.00 per month plus used her student loan to purchase a car so she could "keep a job". Only having the car for about 2 weeks, (do have pictures of the before and after car and the report), she was parked in a business parking lot, suddenly they heard a loud crash!!! A drunk young lady had slammed her car into the girl's car, shoving it into the side of the brick wall business building. Police were called, she went to jail for a few days for drunkeand driving tile her court date, nothing could be done about the car because she had no car insurance and the young lady (21 and so proud to have purchased her first car by herself) took the car off the lot with only liability insurance. (Later finding out that the car lot should have never, let her take a loan out on the car without full coverage insurance, but the car lot is suing her for the remaining cost of the used just purchased caare.
Now, no car, no money cause it went for the down payment for the car, no money to get an attorney to further this with the gal who hit her, being sued by car lot and trying to stay hidden from ex-boyfriend, (who has already found her again, where another police report was made when neighbors called because he was pounding on her door to come out and when she did, another black eye and bruises (do have pictures). Off with the police he went again.
She enrolled into college and was attending full time for two quarters by this time when she met "the man of her dreams". Nice working guy, didn't drink, didn't smoke, use to be a boxer, had same job for over three years and two beautiful young boys. There two (with kids) got engaged and now became a family of 5. Her still working, attending college, watching her daughter along with his two boys every weekend while he worked, keeping up her studies. Then he asked her to marry him, she said yes, and he told her that he wanted her to just go to college and he would take care of all the bills. She was excited, so she quit her job and continued school for another quarter.
Then his car broke down and (it's funny how when she got her student loan money, he suddenly got a car) but she'll never admit that. She's so giving to everyone else. Buying the boys clothes, taking care of her daughter, always helping a friend out and gets taken advantage even though she tries to act independent and tough, she has a forgiving, loving, kind, strong, and sometimes naive heart. About 2 weeks later his car needed brakes but he didn't have the money. They started arguing because bills weren't getting paid and she wanted to go back to work. He was drinking every night after work (said he didn't drink), smoking like a chimney and that didn't help the situation. Then she finally told him to get out, she wasn't going to have this going on in front of her daughter and the boys. Then back together because he loved her. She got an A+ on her first college paper, so excited, they went out to celebrate, got in an argument, and she ended up with a black eye and a fat lip (just like with her ex) but this time she will NOT take him back. She's tired of being controlled and beat on.
Now her and her daughter are behind in rent $1200.00, got an eviction notice, she took what she made at work to pay the heat bill with still a balance due.
She uses her tips to either pay a neighbor to give her daughter a ride to school, or if they are working, a cab when it's freezing cold out or a bus on nicer days. Then she takes a bus to the college (classes she has to take are not offered online) wants to be an EMT then an anestheoloist someday. Then after class she takes a bus back, walks up the street to get her daughter then a cab or bus back to their apartment, then helps her daughter with her homework and has to be at work in the evening. Comes home late and gets up every single morning just a few hours later to do it all over again.
She was almost on the list for housing help (has to be on a job for 6 months straight even if she's going to school full time too) to be able to get a place in a safe neighborhood. She's not really pushing it because he doesn't want her daughter to have to move schools since she doesn't have a car.
She's too proud to ask for help, won't let family know what's going on until they see her bruised face, and wants so hard to do it all by herself so no one knows about anything until the very last minute.
She got so much going for her but she just keeps getting let down. Her faith is amazing. Never have we heard of such a young single mother struggling with one crisis after another still pray with her daughter and say, "I'm sure God has a reason and a plan, he always does".
Her mother is 45 years old, health not so good all the time, and she worked while being a single mother of 3 children, tried to go to college several times but just couldn't do it with 3 little ones. So she decided that once the kids were grown, then she would someday return to get a degree, which she has been in college and is getting ready to graduate with her Associates in medical field in one more semester. She was going to quit school (again) to get a job to help her daughter out, even started trying to donate plasma but her iron count is always too low. This young lady insists that her mom finish what she started 20 years ago with college. Mom and daughter have called literally EVERY place in the city that could help but no luck. A waiting list or she has to go to a shelter with her little girl in order to get on the list quicker. She refuses to do that to her daughter. Besides, the little girl's father would have a reason than to take her away. So now it's bitter cold out, and she still does what she needs to do to get her daughter to kindergarten, stay in college herself, and work saving every dime for the past due bills (rent, heat and a another used car) but with the travel expenses and baby sitter costs, it just eats it up. Her mom does not have a problem with helping but she doesn't work and lives on her student loan and helps out whenever she can with winter coats, groceries in-between, and rides and is trying to save enough money for a bunk bed for the two of them to share with sheets and blankets and their own pillows too.
Her mom has always told her, "WHEN YOU HELP YOURSELF OUT, OTHERS SEE THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO BETTER YOURSELF, AND IN EVERY WAY AND YOUR DAUGHTER AND PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED", and she truly believes that, but is starting to doubt it and herself now.
It breaks ones heart to not be able to help someone more than just a little here and there, especially when this young mother is a better mom than most we know. Always putting herself last. She tried to keep a front of happy faces and she's fine, but she's been heard to pray out loud and cry herself to sleep. It's a shame that this gal smashed her car she saved so hard and long for to get off completely. She was told that she could get an attorney to have the car company realize that they shouldn't have let this young lady off the lot with a loan without full coverage so if they could waive suing her for the car but no one (legal aid) will help because she just keeps getting told, "the gal that hit her had no insurance so we can't do anything about it) and the car lot is getting a judgment against the girl for the car that someone else wrecked. (Which they will get her JAAND. EIC money).
Is there ANYTHING you could possibly do to help? So very sorry for asking but didn't know where else to turn now for this young lady and her daughter.
PS, there is a program that would help her with a car and match money but she can't seem to get ahead enough to even save anything especially now that she has past due bills from someone she trusted that said, "don't worry" and now won't help since he was living there with his two boys. It's sad.
God bless you and we heard from friends that you might be able to help. Thank you if you even took the time out to read this. Trying to raise her back rent so the eviction will stop but it's in three days now, or about, the owner of the apts. Is being so kind and is giving her through this week. It's just so cold out and she's always having to depend on others to get her back to her apartment. late at night and that takes up the money for sitters and gas and buses, and cabs, so another day but that girl is not "giving up hope". So that's the reason for this letter because she won't ask for herself.
Thank you for your time.
And my name is above. Well, heart broken person calling out for help for someone I can't help myself enough. My no. (but want to stay anonymous please). Feel free to leave a message. And THANK YOU AGAIN FOR EVEN READING THIS.
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Re: Help for my daughter

Post by Admin »

This may have been the longest email we have ever had sent to us! There are many programs for families with girls in the state of Ohio. But if she needs $1200 dollars, and she will still be behind, then that may be difficult. That is a lot of money to ask for. If she has a record with the police as well agencies may be more hesitant to assist, but she can try to apply. Find information or help here. ... grams.html
Glass One
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Re: Help for my daughter

Post by Glass One »

I'm hoping you can help my daughter. We have been given so many numbers to call, left several messages and even went to the places where we were hoping to find help with rental assistance. My daughter has been out all day again today trying to get help. I would like to explain the situation and I am hoping someone will finally listen.
My daughter is a single mother of a 7 week old. We have called several agencies and keep getting the run around over and over again. We started with The Salvation Army, they said we needed to call 211, we called 211 who said we needed to call another number - that number led us to Social Services in North Port. They said they would put us on "the list" (we've called them several times and were placed on the list several times)... then we were told that we needed to contact Jewish families of North Port - which we did. Again, we went down and no one was there. Please note that I am not exactly sure of the order in which we contacted these places.... just know that we called and called and never once received a return phone call. I even called the department manager for Jewish families and she did not return my call.
My daughter and I understand that there are many people waiting for help - we really do. But we have been trying to get in touch with someone since last month. As it stands now - we have received a 3 day Eviction notice and these people do not play around. They told her that she must have the funds on or before September 15. My daughter plans on going back to work very soon but just needs some help with the rent.
We are desperate. I am baffled that there seems to be "so much help" and yet no one is willing to. Her electric is being cut off at the end of the week as well. I have done all I can for her.
I have to wonder if maybe I should contact the CEO's of these charities and let them know what we've been through.... we are so tired.
Last month my daughter received a letter from DCF stating that she needed to contact them with the name of the baby's father. Because she did not know (she went through a very, very difficult time).... they have cut her food stamps in half and also took away all of her cash assistance! It's as if they are "punishing" her for the one time in her life that she was going through a difficult time. I am so frustrated with all these "agencies" that claim to help.
If there is anything - anything at all that you can do to help prevent her from becoming homeless... I am begging you to help.
Thank you for taking the time to listen.
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Re: Help for my daughter

Post by Admin »

Well yes, there are phone numbers to call. You need to do the work. So are you saying your daughter needs help, but she is not even willing to call around? That is ridiculous and entitled. So she needs to call around, maybe she will be put on a "list", but there is no such thing as free help for single mothers or daughters just because they think they are entitled to it. Anyway, try them, and learn more.
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