Moving and deposit

The main NHPB site has more information on local rent assistance programs.
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Moving and deposit

Post by Ridley »

I am 23 with three children currently staying in a motel funded by a program, Lutheran Social Service. I only have 22 days let of the program, and as a requirement I have to look for a place to live. Once I do so the program is supposed to help pay my move in costs. Now that I have found a place, I have been informed that the program no longer has funding, and cannot help me move. Now I do not know what I am going to do because I need help with the costs. If there is any way I can get some assistance I will greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by CSheen »

Hi, I am trying to move down there. I am currently receiving public assistance up here in New York. I would like to know how can I transfer my case down there. And would I have to do the process over again. Also me and my children became homeless three weeks ago. How would I go about getting housing and deposit down there?
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Wilbaum »

I am trying to get help with a place to live with my 18 year old son. I am disabled & due to medical complications my son has been unable to find employment. I just returned to Charleston, SC from California where my son is stationed & he agreed to help me get back on my feet but never followed thru with that help. My estranged husband isn’t paying any spousal support & refuses to help. We are living in a motel until Thursday morning. I have called several places to find assistance with no luck & have even contacted my estranged husband’s unit to receive help but they helped him instead of me because they don’t help the family. I have 3 service animals & my son with me & my income will not support moving into a place without some kind of rent or housing assistance. Can you call me & help me & my son from being homeless. I have no money for a deposit, or rent or a truck to move me due to my limited income.
Tyler Han
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Tyler Han »

Hi. I am in need of help with a security deposit for a apartment. I am willing to pay it back. My mother in law lied to us and said we could live with her until we saved we are now going to be homeless. I have 3 kids and my wife's disabled I am a hard worker and I always worked. I hate that I have to look for help. We moved to Florida to be closer to her mom who was going to help us because my wife is sick. I left a 18 dollar per hour job and now I have nothing, not even a bed.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Karma »

My family needs help to get into an apartment. We were told we have to move because the house we are renting belonged to a couple who passed away, & now one of the children of the couple wants to live here. We only have until the end of August. We have found a place with enough room that I can afford, but due to still paying the rent where we are, I don't have enough saved to pay the first rent and security to be able to move into the new place. I don't have anyone I can borrow the money from, & we are going to end up homeless if I don't figure something out soon. I work, but my husband was laid off recently. He is also in the process of applying for social security disability due to COPD and depression. Please let me know who to turn to for help...I don't want my kids to be homeless.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Moment4 »

I was recently evicted from my home of 30 years. The owner sold the property and now I am homeless along with my son. I have a full-time job....Thank God. But I was living from paycheck to paycheck so I was unable to save enough money to move. I desperately need funds for move in expenses...such as first month, last month and security deposit. I am in dire need for help. PLEASE....SOMEONE HELP ME.?!
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Styleath »

I recently moved with my mother in law from Marion county and I have two kids in the house. I lived in Marion county with an ex boyfriend at his parents house and he is in prison for domestic violence against his child. Well we need to be in our own house because she is becoming frustrated with the way that I raise my children and such. I found a house in Daytona Beach that is large enough for us in a good community really close to my husbands work, but we need help with the move in costs. If anyone can help please contact me. Thank You so much.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Bobbyt »

My family is in need of first months rent plus a security deposit to move in our home. We just fought peacefully to obtain our clearance letter from the landlord who was and is illegally evicting us if we don't pay her minutes that we clearly didn't owe her. They're is also a past due light bill that I am dealt concerned about. Please help. I was not long ago in a abusive relationship with my estranged husband. I sought help to leave him, note I'm just working to get on my feet and better raise my two children.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Kapernick »

I came across your website and had a few questions. My husband was a resident manager at an apartment complex in Chula Vista, CA. We was laid off on January 2015 in which we had to vacate within 2 weeks. We have been staying with family here and there, due to our financial difficulties or hardship. I work for a temp agency and get paid $12 an hour. My husband is getting unemployment at the moment. We have 4 school kids. We need a place soon. We have some money for deposit, but will need help with rent. What do we need to do in order if we qualify for any assistance or help? Please, let me know what I can do. We found a perfect place in Chula Vista about 15-20 minutes from our kids school.
Thank you so much in advance for any help possible.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Admin »

Whether it is moving or funds for a security deposit, this is not too common. So you may need to call several different places to try to get some support. Also, if they do help, then it will normally be small dollar amounts. If your husband was laid off, then that will not help your cause. So he will need to get a job before you apply. Assistance for moving costs is basically non-existent, so do not plan on that. But find ideas of where to turn to for help with paying a security deposit.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Bfortune »

Hello, recently I became homeless after losing my job. In the mean time I have an illness that many may call a disability. I am currently approved for an apartment for which I received $2390 in assistance for but the landlord is requiring an additional $600 deposit for which I don't have.
I have been sleeping out car waiting for the grant amount to pay for the moving in which I just received today.
I start a new job on 10/19.
Will be homeless for another 2 weeks of I can’t come up with the $600 deposit.
I need help.
Please contact me.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by PRLong »

I need to relocate. My neighbor across the street sexually assaulted me in May and his girlfriend and her friends and family have terrorized and threatened me. My car was also vandalized and my children have had to deal with this as well. I need to relocate but don't have the money to move and pay my current rent.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Bellion »

My son and I were living with my grandmother in her apartment. Now I am told that my son and I have to be gone by 30th of this month because my grandmother is moving. I am full time student and a hairstylist and an independent rep for Mary kaye. I have paid my grandmother 600$ a month and 150$ towards electric bill.
I recently applied at the local apartments and I got approved the only thing is I need help with the move in price which is 1908$. My church will see what they can do and so will my family . I am really in need of help right now for my son and I. As you know school starts in one week. I need to a have stable place so that my son can attended school. Please give me a call for any deposit programs. I always receive TANF and food stamps.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Yousef »

Hello, The reason I sent an email is because I'm trying to find out what kind of help I can receive to be able to move into a home I'm trying to get. I need 1000 to move in so that I can gain my stability back in get back on my feet. Looking forward to hearing from someone; thank you.
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Re: Moving and deposit

Post by Master12 »

Hi, I'm trying to help my girlfriend. She is trying to get a voucher for a motel cause she is currently homeless. She was staying at a motel but she ran out of cash. She is on disability and where I live I stay with my mom and she is only a loud a guest for 21 days. And my Girl has been here past the 21 day limit so my mom’s landlord said she can't be here any longer and someone told my Girl to try you guys and see if you can help with a motel voucher or at least give her money to pay the rent deposit or move. She needs it until she gets her check on the first.
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