Facing Eviction

The main NHPB site has more information on local rent assistance programs.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Pinetta »

Dear Sirs/Madams,
I am being evicted if I do not pay 1396.00 by 8 am Thursday. I have 900.00, will have 249.00 on Friday and get my last unemployment check on the 10th of October. I have done all I can. I have a 13 year old granddaughter. Please someone help me I am at my wits end. This was my Mother's house in Washington DC until I could no longer care for her. I am being charged 399.00 for September, October and November of 2011. I have contacted attorney and they say I am just out of luck. I assumed the individuals in their positions would do their work properly and not have me in this position. I did not appeal because I "assumed " people would own up to their mistakes. My granddaughter has had stability theses last 4 years when I brought her back to DC from Ohio, for a visit and ended up taking care of my 75 years old mother who suffers with dementia and retaining custody of her. I am 49 years old. I am trying to do my finals at Everest and am so stressed I may lose funding. I need help IMMEDIATELY. I waited so long because I am desperate. Thank you. Please can somebody help us?
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Sylvia »

I am in need of rent assistance. I am a single mother of two, I work full time as a preschool daycare teacher I find it hard sometimes to try and pay every bill and at this moment rent is one of them I find myself thinking this year my 4 & 5 year sons might not have a Christmas. I never ask for help but I pray that I can get help this one time.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Morley »

I'm a 10 month school employee who had a job lined up for the summer, since I knew June would be my last paycheck until December 2013, however, the company cut back on a few employees, and I was no longer needed before I started. So now I am facing eviction. I received my last check in October along with losing 7 days of no pay for teacher assistants and I was unable to pay rent for September, October & November. I spoke with my landlord via letter and he's willing to work with me. I've been seeking part time work the whole summer and fall and found nothing. I'm steady searching and I plan on working part time when I find employment because I seriously behind on rent. I know others are struggling as well, but I'm believing for miracles for all of us! Thank you
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by RMM »

I'm about to be evicted from my home. I have 3 children including an infant. I recently lost my job and fell behind on bills. I have recently been hired at a new job so I will be able to pay my bills I just need help so I wont be displaced and lose the new job. Any help will be greatly appreciated by myself and family.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Papen »

I was unable to pay my rent of 425. In April or May they excepted my rent but June I wasn't able to pay. I was served an eviction today. I need help so I can keep my place. I have some money to pay them but I am sure they want all owed plus June also that is 1200. I don't have. I have 500 to spare to go toward my rent, but they already have me down for eviction.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Train »

I am facing eviction. I have to go to court this week. I was completely stressed out over my finances and ended up having a nervous breakdown which left me where I could not work for a whole week. So, I fell behind in paying my rent among all other bills. This has me feeling the nervous breakdown coming back all over again and I really need some help please.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Coper »

We have been struggling financially and are falling further behind. My husband secured a job and his first check is not merely enough to cover our rent. He won't get paid in time for us to meet our rental agreement so the office said they will issue us a 3 day pay or quit. I'm not familiar with eviction processes and nor do we want to get evicted. What do we do to get assistance for the month of November. We will be fine in December once he starts receiving regular paychecks.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Candy »

Hello. I am currently looking to see if anyone can help save my apartment. I was hit by a cab and put out of work and school because of it. I had my rent prepaid from my school loans and I am currently waiting on my disability, but I have run out of money and need emergency help in keeping from getting evicted. I received the eviction notice on Friday and need to be out by Thursday. I was told that if I could come up with the money by Thursday, then my eviction will be canceled. Please tell me that you or someone you know can help me.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Mikey1 »

I am currently in the process of being evicted. If someone can call me to see what assistance I can receive. I'm a single mother of three children I just need help with my current back rent of $3300. By Monday I should have about 1500 or maybe more. If someone can contact me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your time.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Admin »

No agency would ever have (or offer) $3300 to prevent an eviction. Sounds like you are unfortunately way over your head and asked for help too late. You may need to look for a shelter, move in with friends/family, etc. As far as you seeking someone to call you, locate a number of eviction prevention programs by state and county. So try them.
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Re: Facing Eviction

Post by Alessia »

We are 2 1/2 months late on our rent on 5/1 and threatened with an eviction. Right now we are 1 1/2 months late. As long as we attain from somewhere 1250 for one month we are safe but we need this money by the 1st of June so we due no face homelessness.
My Husband has a Full time job but is not making enough this month. We both have other jobs as well in the evening on different nights as we have a 5 year old to be home for. It is a story but we are on the brink of commissions coming bug bit until January or so. We really need the help now for one month if rent which is 1250$.
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