Looking for help in New Hampshire

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Looking for help in New Hampshire

Post by EBurnett »

I live in Manchester, New Hampshire. I make on average a week 170.00 to 190.00 a week when I do have work, there are times where I go without work for 2 to 3 weeks and then it really hurts. I pay 130.00/week in rent electric, heat and water included. I live in a rooming house that has a room, no kitchen and down the hall is the bathroom, I never receive any mail the landlords are bad, and the building manager is a complete jerk. I work out of my little room I am a freelance designer who struggles and can’t save a dime. My bills are more than what I make, I have to borrow money from time to time from whoever I can just to get by. I live right now off 103.00 on food stamps a month so more or less don’t have a lot of food 25.00/week. My other bills are I have my own car that is bought and paid for so no car payment. Average on gas is 30.00 a week. I then have 110.00 a month for my TV/Internet I use a high package internet because it’s for my work. I average paying 25.00 a week to pay that and I’m always short on that, plus 72.00 for my phone that I use mainly for my work. I pay my rent every week that is most important.
I am trying to find help or away to save up enough for 1st month, and deposit or 1st month/last month and deposit on an apartment. I would save more money then where I am now.
My goal that I have been working on is finding a 2 or 3 bedroom place that is from 600 to 850.00 depends on what is included for utilities. My girlfriend and I want to move in together so we can save on money to pay off bills that stack up. She also lives in the boarding house I’m in and she lives in another room they won’t allow us to live in same room. So more or less we spend 265.00 a week on rent for a place that has no kitchen or even a bathroom that is ours. We live out of a microwave and a small portable fridge that doesn't even work, I would say half of what I buy in food a week is no good in a few days because of the problems with it, and the owners or building manager won’t fix it, also we have bug’s roaches and roaches they find ways into the fridge and into the food in the cabinets, it been like this for at least 5 months.
My girlfriend has a full-time job but just can’t save up to move us out. Her bills are more then what she makes she even is working 2 jobs on so many days out of the week and it’s still not enough.
What the goal is to find like I said was a 2 to 3 bedroom place from 600 to 850.00 a month depends on what is included for utilities. 265.00 each week for rent for absolutely nothing. Months with 4 weeks it’s 1060.00 in rent and months with 5 weeks is 1325.00. So if we could find a place with that price range we would be saving
Savings of 475.00 for the months with 4 weeks and 725.00 for months with 5 weeks if the place is 600.00 for rent a month with utilities.
Savings of 210.00 for the months with 4 weeks 475.00 for the months with 5 weeks if the place is 850.00 for rent a month with utilities.
So if we had to pay utilities for electric only we be OK also and still save. So the savings we would have each month we would be able to be OK and I also could get more work because I can’t do much more in the place I live in now.
I have some mental issues, PTSD and Social Anxiety Disorder so makes it hard to work for a real business I have been working as a freelance graphic and web design/IT person for some-time I have one regular client and I go see him for meetings once a week. If I had another place to live I can do more because I can have a room setup as a home office that is setup for clients and future clients to come to my office so I look more legit and can make it legal to do so as well. Right now I’m just trying to survive. Well my girlfriend and I are just trying to survive.
So if you could please forward this to anyone that could help out that be great of if you could of any kind help out that be great.
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Re: Looking for help in New Hampshire

Post by Admin »

That is quite a list of needs and an extensive plan. Good for you on the planning. You do need more income though, so maybe a new or better job. We do have information on programs in New Hampshire, including mental health counseling, rent help, and more. That fee for a room without a kitchen does sound high. Anyway, locate New Hampshire assistance programs.
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Re: Looking for help in New Hampshire

Post by Franklin »

I've just started 2 jobs this month in Portsmouth New Hampshire but not Enough to cover rent for the rest of May and June. I'm facing possible eviction because of this and I just need any help I can get right now. My electricity was turned off yesterday and my water was disconnected Monday. After June I should be back on my feet but I'm just having a tough time now because I just started work in New Hampshire. If I could get any help at all I would greatly appreciate it me and my son. Thank You!
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Re: Looking for help in New Hampshire

Post by Mnadi »

I am a 28 year old single mother of two but my aunt has had custody of them the past two years due to me being on an off again homeless. I am on disability and have been for a while now for a whole list of medical problems which makes it hard for me to work.
I am currently living in Farmington NH but I'm getting evicted like always due to my low income. I went to court this past week for being behind in rent have only been living there for the past 6 months paying whatever I could every month out of my disability check.
I am only currently getting 589.00 a month an after court Monday even knowing I'm disabled I was only given a week to pay or leave so I don't know what to do. I went through this whole homeless situation last year and got no help at all. Half the time even shelters we're full and I was left out to suffer on the streets. I can nor let that or go through that again especially with all of my health issues. Please help me or get me in contact with an agency that can... thank you so much God bless.
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