Financial aid or loan for computer

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Financial aid or loan for computer

Post by fmegab »

I am a low-income permanently disabled divorced woman - I am unable to go back to school, to learn the trade I was hoping to learn, however I once sold AVON from home and did quite well and so recently I started doing so again, but I need a proper pc or laptop to place my online orders and keep up my website for avon and clients that order via online, my current pc is old and has very little memory capacity and cannot be upgraded, I really need financial aid in getting a new pc or laptop - Isaw some on sale at Office Max near the $500.00 mark, do you know any charities or other programs that have a no pay back loan for persons like myself? I also have a medical alert dog that is with me 24/7 and that is another reason I cannot return to school and or an outside job, I need to be home where I can be alerted to my medical needs (asthama attacks, seizures and anxiety disorder) If I go to school I can't focus on things as i should.
Please let me know if you can think of any programs that would help me accomplish my desire for sefl sufficiency!
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Re: Financial aid or loan for computer

Post by njrv5634 »

If you can, try the public library, they almost all have computers. Also try contacting Avon, or look on their pages about benefits they have available. I know you can get a discount at one of the big office supply stores thru Avon. Consider teaming up with another Avon lady so you can post your orders together. Also let your church know, they may have someone who is handy w/computers who could put one together for you free of charge. A lot of people like tinkering with computers and would enjoy doing it. Also check with your local vocational school or high school. I know ours uses old computers to teach computer repair, you might be able to get one thru them. There might be some programs thru OVR (Office of Vocational Rehab) in your area that would be of help to you as well. Best of luck.
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Re: Financial aid or loan for computer

Post by Aintlast »

I am trying to go back to school to be something that pays a little better so i can raise my two children (twins) that are 2years old up in a comfortable living style. I have already applied for student aid/ pell grants and are approved but my problem is i cant go to school and not have any $$ to live off of to support my children and me. I am a single mother and i don't get child support i do get food stamps but how am i suppose to better myself if i cant afford to not work?? The twins are in daycare now while i am currently working but in the evenings i wouldn't have anyone to keep them so i cant work after school hours. I don't know what to do!! I am just hoping there is some program out there that can help people in my situation. I want to get out of this rutt i am in and provide for my family but the world makes it hard to do so! If there is anything that can help please contact me! Thank you and God Bless!!
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Re: Financial aid or loan for computer

Post by Admin »

Going back to school to further your education and employment opportunities is a great thing. Good for you. There may be government loans or grants that you can use. There is also federal government sponsored job training, and most of it is offered as part of the Workforce Investment Act. Non-profits and job centers from around the country allow people to use computers at their sites, they may have funding for employment needs, loans, and more. So try that first, and get more information on Workforce Investment Act resources.
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