I have no income coming in

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I have no income coming in

Post by Freede »

I'm not sure if you can help me or not. On August 20, 2012, I was hurt and have been unable to work. It is unknown when my doctor will be able to approve me returning to work. As of the 18th of September, 2012, I will no longer have any monies coming in from work, I’ve used up all my vacation and sick time. I've applied for short term disability but that has not yet been approved. If I am approved for short term disability, it will pay $1,900.00 a month. So I’m not sure if that qualifies for any assistance. My main concern is that as of right now, I will not have any income coming in after the September 18th. Any help or direction you can give me is greatly appreciated.
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Re: I have no income coming in

Post by Realsimple »

My power just got turned off. I owe water bill, phone bill, car payment, two months’ rent insurance due. I'm in a divorce have primary car of my kid lost my job and don't no what I'm going to do. I've been employed at the same job for 5 years in Pittsburgh and don't have it now. I'm in need if serious help. If I get unemployment. It'll be a month before I get a check and I have no money no heat and about to b kicked out if my hours.
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Re: I have no income coming in

Post by Daniels »

I could use help with my rent and utility bills. My water is shut off, gas is about to be shut off, I use the m- power for electricity, and my landlords is talking about kicking me out. All I am trying to do is work and fight to get my kids back in my house. CPS placed them with my parents until we can prove ourselves fit and until I can increase my income with a new job. Can you please help me?
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Re: I have no income coming in

Post by Bobbie13 »

I am a NM resident and am in need of some assistance.
In February I made a police report for a car burglary and I was arrested for a two year old warrant that I was unaware of. It had brought me to Texas and I am now trying and will be going home to NM. I lost my job, however I still have my apartment but I have zero income or earnings. I was enrolled in college as well. I need help financially until I am able to get back on my feet and maybe some job referrals or options. I need help in Albuquerque New Mexico.. I appreciate it very much and a response at your convenience.
Thank you,
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Re: I have no income coming in

Post by ohnathan »

We need help, including my mom.

Monthly income, my moms unemployment: $1800 from California
My Washington state food stamps, which came just in time after we arrived: $198

Our monthly bills come up to:
New car lease (ends December 2015, because old car died, needed new car, expected friends and family to help, but they changed their minds and put their car on non op instead! A perfectly useable car) - 225 (higher tax rate here in Washington state - purchased in Irvine California)

car insurance - 113

American express - 100 (a little over limit of 4000 because of interest charged each month)

sears Citibank - 150 (about 200 over limit of 4500 because of $100 interest charged each month)

rent + water/trash/sewer - 955 + 46 (lease ends august 31, 2014, can pay $2000 fee to break lease. Rented sight unseen from California and drove here, just to have housing that we could not find or get in California)

laundry average - 50

PSE (electric, we have tried to call to get their 'pse help' the phone line never works) - 88

T-Mobile - unsure, but I have lifeline now, so our family plan was split, and my moms is now under the 50 plan

internet/phone - 87 (we need this to do daily job searches and if we are able to get online classes for school, do school work)

capital one credit card - 25 (300 limit - I got this recently, to use for the gas in driving here from California)

Box and go storage in California - 74 (we want to get back, but how? more job offers are coming from there now, she had to refuse 2, the second week we came here to this place!! now she has more interviews, but now we have no money for hotels and barely enough for gas to drive there)

Gas - average around 150-200 (this is still because since we have been here, she has had average 2 interviews a week, and testing, etc at agencies as well, but no job hits, tons of rejects, and also still rejects from everywhere else we apply still. her occupation is office support, admin work. I have not worked steadily since I graduated from high school in 2000, I am now 40 and mentally ill, in California I applied for disability, knowing how little one gets still from it, but thinking I could use it for treatment, I was denied, 3 times the 3rd after seeing a judge)

The credit card debt did not start until March of this year, when, after being unemployed for 2 months, my mom got a new job and we had to find housing, so we stayed in hotels for 2 months and had to use the credit cards to pay for that plus a storage fee for our things. Her monthly check did not cover (her 4 months temporary work) the basic bills, let alone the new credit card debt.

She did not have a car payment for about 4 years, because she paid hers off early. I had a used car, paid in full which started having trouble in 2011, put a lot of money into it then sold it to CarMax. my moms car also started having issues in 2011, she put tons of money into, we found out the Honda dealers weren’t even checking or doing what they were supposed to, the transmission finally died in 2012... she was still working, a 'friend' offered her car, then when my mom took her up on the offer, she put it on non-op. she quit her job, we got a leased car... and now here we are... making bad desperate decisions and now left with nothing and no help from anyone.

Can you offer any suggestions? We only have enough to pay rent next month, that’s it.
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Re: I have no income coming in

Post by DSmith »

My Husband and I need Help RIGHT NOW. We are 600.00 behind in Rent and 214.00 left to pay on the Security Deposit and we are 515.00 behind on Electric because of the fact that I have not been working since November of 2013. We are in Serious need of help, at least until I can find work which I have been looking everyday. We are also on Food Stamps. I have applied for Help on the electric bill a year and half ago but the people there told me that they could not help us because we do not have our kids living with us. Thank you.
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Re: I have no income coming in

Post by Sangria »

Dear Sir/Madam;
In 2009 I was hurt on the job ended up with Cervical Fusion Surgery. Luckily I am physically good and physically able to do many things. There is still pain but, through many ways I deal with it with out any medication. I only take an occasional aspirin. I have worked most my life until that accident that was really started when I was an Auto Worker for about 12 years. The combination from working hard and then getting hit by a forklift. So I have had two major workers compensation cases. Both of the cases are closed and I was retrained and have had some good positions but, now I understand why most companies don't really want me as an employee.
Since then I did end up finding a position in 2012 and worked the last three years for a small company contracted out to the Department of Education. After my 3 years were up I was laid off in November of 2014.
Now it has been 8 months Unemployment has run out and I am behind on many bills. I live a simple life up here in Redmond California for almost 7 years at the same address. I am looking for any job and I am capable of working. I am also willing to work. I am not asking for food I stocked up dry goods and have plenty even to share with others. I am or never have been one that ask but, I am at my wits end as we speak. I barely made rent last month and didn't pay that until the 17th of December of 2014. I am behind on my PG&E bill and I already have had it off once. My cable is on I really don't know why and I know I have until Friday it shall be off also.
I always try and give back to anything that I ask for I have applied for many position in the time I have been off. I keep my mind busy doing that and I make small projects many that I end up just donating to other non-profit organization. I am not sure what even to say but, Can I get Help? Please.
Frank O
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Re: I have no income coming in

Post by Frank O »

I would like an application for rent assistance. Or a phone call. I am on SSD and only get $1155.00 a month to live on and rent is $495.00 for now., and my wife has zero income. Please call or send forms. My car is almost dead and I have at least 7 doctor appointments A month. Mow one Dr. wants me to start going to Pittsburgh. My car won't make it, please need help.
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