Some holiday presents for my children

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Some holiday presents for my children

Post by Cassandra »

Please help make Christmas possible for my children. I am desperately seeking help for my children this Christmas. My family is just getting back on our feet after 2 long years. We had lost everything, our home, all of our belongs, everything.
Now we are finally building things back up. We were recently blessed and were able to move into a place of our own. While we don't have much there have been some people who have donated furniture and things. We still don't even have real beds for the kids. Unfortunately, what little we do have goes as quickly as it comes and I am so upset that Christmas will come and we don't have any way to do anything for our 3 kids.
They are such good kids, through everything they have never once acted as though we have let them down. They don't have anything that the kids they go to school with have and even though they are sometimes teased they don't want to tell me and worry me. We are talking about a 14 year old and 12 year boy and 5 year old girl.
They hold their own struggles inside, just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes how good these kids are and how much more they deserve.
I am desperately in search of some help this holiday season. The youngest still believe in Santa I still tell them he is real I don't want them to lose the magic (even though my oldest knows Santa isn't real they keep it going for my youngest). We are a good Christian family and they know the true meaning of Christmas, but I don't want them to feel like they have nothing to look
forward to or hope. Christmas in my home is always big. My children love to decorate the house to have the feeling of Christmas coming excites them.
We have a family tradition the day after thanksgiving putting up the tree and decorating it together as we listen to music and sip on hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. This year we don't have a tree to decorate.
I'm praying the right person reads my post and can help make Christmas merry for my children. Every child deserves and looks forward to opening gifts Christmas morning. So far I emailed many churches etc to seek help. I've also emailed many stores, law firms etc. because I heard they have some who every year picks. We are a low income family to adopt for Christmas and fulfills the families Christmas list. So far I haven't received any reply. Please if you can help my children have a Christmas, if you can point me in the right direction will be a blessing. If your job participates in the "Adopt A family for Christmas" and will like to help me by giving my families information will be a blessing. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Please help make Christmas possible for 3 kids. I thank you for taking the time to read my post. God bless
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Re: Some holiday presents for my children

Post by DSmith »

I'm a single mom of three kids. Only my middle and youngest live with me. My daughter is four and will be starting school at elementary in September. My youngest will be two on Friday. I need help with school supplies, clothing's and I would like help during the holiday. I'm living paycheck to paycheck and is trying to catch up on bills while taking care of the kids. Anything will help. Please anything will help. Thank you!
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Re: Some holiday presents for my children

Post by Admin »

Depending on where you live, there are numerous Christmas and holiday gift giving programs. There are toys for children, meals for the family, and more. If you have 3 kids, ranging in age from 14 to 5, those will qualify as far as an age limit. So for next year, try this for Christmas help. ... grams.html
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Re: Some holiday presents for my children

Post by LorenDer »

Where is this located I'm a domestic violence survivor. I am in hiding. I am renting a room from my best friend but we are both struggling. She has 4 kids.
I have one son and my son doesn't live with me. His father won't let me see him. I only get SSI. $400 is my rent and it only leaves me with like $300 and I have a car payment, car insurance and phone bill.
Still my church is helping me out with a Christmas tree for free and I'm just trying to figure out how to get services for adopt a family for me and my friend and our kids.
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Re: Some holiday presents for my children

Post by Expert needshelp »

I was the family provider for 14 years, until October, 07, 2017. I was admitted in the hospital and had to have brain surgery, I'm out of work and applied for my disability, in need of a little help with Christmas presents for my daughter and her children too. I live in Saint Paul’s, NC and at the moment I receive help with food, but I have no income at all
Thank, you
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Re: Some holiday presents for my children

Post by Admin »

since you need food and holiday help, try the United Way. They offer free referrals in Saint Pauls NC, information on local resources and more. Of course try our site, but the UW is a resource too. Find more info here. ... ce_pr.html
Expert needshelp wrote:I was the family provider for 14 years, until October, 07, 2017. I was admitted in the hospital and had to have brain surgery, I'm out of work and applied for my disability, in need of a little help with Christmas presents for my daughter and her children too. I live in Saint Paul’s, NC and at the moment I receive help with food, but I have no income at all
Thank, you
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