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Foreclosure prevention and assistance in New York City

Homeowners across New York City may be able to receive free foreclosure prevention and legal assistance from lawyers across the region. If you are facing a foreclosure and need advice and assistance, or if you cannot afford to hire an attorney to guide you through or fight the process, you may be eligible for free foreclosure legal services from a partnership between The Volunteer Lawyers Project as well as South Brooklyn Legal Services. The program they offer is known as The Foreclosure Prevention Project.

The Brooklyn Volunteer Lawyers Project (VLP) received a grant and other support from City of New York’s housing division as well as the federal government. In total over 80 lawyers are part of the program and they provide pro bono work for homeowners who are facing a foreclosure or who are currently in the process itself. Lawyers are recruited, trained and assigned homeowners and they will represent them in home loan settlement conferences, lawyers will negotiate workouts and help with mortgage modifications for homeowners in foreclosure across Brooklyn and New York City.

Details of the NYC foreclosure prevention program

The primary reason the project was created was to address the economic and social inequalities created by lenders, banks, mortgage servicers and their predatory lending practices. The Foreclosure Prevention Project provides homeowners with access to lawyers who will provide free legal advice as well as representation to people threatened with loss of their homes due to questionable mortgages or predatory lending. In addition to providing this free legal advice and litigating cases in court on behalf of the New York City homeowner, the attorneys will also sometimes able to help clients negotiate better financial arrangements. Learn more loan modifications from lawyers.

The organization was first created almost ten years ago. In the almost ten years since its founding, the New York City Foreclosure Prevention Project has helped thousands of homeowners across Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and the greater New York area who have been targeted by predatory lenders and “expensive” mortgages. The attorneys from the Project will be able to litigate fair housing, consumer protection, loan modifications and other claims on behalf of homeowners in both federal government and state court. Lawyers will be able to provides free legal advice, advocacy and referrals to homeowners; conducts workshops about predatory lending for both low- and moderate-income homeowners, and resources will even be provided to help train and advise community advocates and attorneys who serve at-risk communities in the area.





The Foreclosure Prevention Project can help people from neighborhoods throughout New York City regardless of their zip code.

New York City foreclosure prevention contacts

Some of the phone numbers to call for free legal foreclosure assistance include South Brooklyn Legal Services at 718-246-3279. Also, call 718-246-3279 to reach the Foreclosure Prevention Project. You will need to leave a message with the project’s hotline. Note that if you have an emergency situation be sure to describe the circumstances in your message. If you do not have an emergency and may be a few days before your call is returned.





By Jon McNamara











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