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Electric Bill

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:44 am
by LadiiChef
Hi, I'm 18 years old. I'm a full-time student. My fiance & I live in section 8 housing. We have SNAPS, I live in Tulsa, Ok. Our electric bill has gotten behind since my finaces hours got cut from 40 to 15 and below a week. We don't have any transportation other then the bus. Our bill is around 240, and we have a disconnection notice. Where would we go to get it paid for, or help our with it because my fiances checks are onnly 200-240 every 2 weeks. Help.

Re: Electric Bill

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:05 pm
by deb sn
you may try your town clerk, ask for the township trustee's phone number. Also check with Salvation Army.

Re: Electric Bill

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:43 am
by Roker
I received a cut off notice on my electric bill stating I owe $605 and it will be disconnected on Wednesday the 19th. I have an1 year old daughter. My wife left 2 months ago and left us with 1 income trying to make all our bills. I have tried to make arrangements with Dominion but they say that My wife had broken an agreement and now we are not eligible for arrangements again until next year. I have no where else to turn.

Re: Electric Bill

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:42 am
by Admin
Do they offer a program for people with young children as many utility companies do. they do not want the young to suffer. If anything it is bad PR for them.For Memphis Light Gas and Water call them at 901-527-0208 and ask about a program known as Plus 1. It is run by an organization known as Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) and may offer some financial assistance. Read more on Tennenessee electric bill help programs.
Roker wrote:I received a cut off notice on my electric bill stating I owe $605 and it will be disconnected on Wednesday the 19th. I have an1 year old daughter. My wife left 2 months ago and left us with 1 income trying to make all our bills. I have tried to make arrangements with Dominion but they say that My wife had broken an agreement and now we are not eligible for arrangements again until next year. I have no where else to turn.

Re: Electric Bill

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:11 am
by charlesSch
How can I get help with my electricity bill in Jefferson city Tennessee. Me and my boyfriend have been both unemployed for a little now and I just started a job but by time I get paid it will be too late to pay electric and will only have a few dollars on that pay check. We can’t afford to have the electric shut off cause we have a 9 month old baby. Please call me.

Re: Electric Bill

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:33 am
by Admin
If you are just waiting for your first pay check, then your utility company will almost always wait. Just ask for a payment plan. It will be shocking for an electric company to shut off your power if you can pay the bill in a matter of weeks or days. So something sounds unusual with that request. Anyway, learn more on payment plans and other electric bill programs. Get details.

Re: Electric Bill

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:48 am
by Brandcaster
Our family is in desperate need of assistance in paying our electric bill. Our electricity may be disconnected if we do not get assistance ASAP. I received Assistance through the DSS in July/August of 2015. However, I cannot reapply until Oct. 13th, 2015. I have a 2 year old grandson that I care for he and my daughter live with me. Please contact me soon. I would be humbly grateful for any assistance your organization could supply us with. Thank You.