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Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:59 am
by biniwop
:( I really don't ask for help, but my family and I are about SUNK. It all started when we bought our new house in 2005, about five weeks later the sellers did not disclose many of the issues that we are going through at this time. First of all the garage was infested with MOLD. We had to hire a company to gut out the garage and get rid of the MOLD. Then we found more MOLD in our kitchen behind the wall paper and plus the downstairs bathroom had a little mold. The bathroom downstairs had the mold because there were water leaks coming from the upstairs bathroom. We had a Master Plumber check it out and he said their was a water leak coming from the pipe located under the tub. It is so bad, that he started to ignore us so we don't ask him anymore. Another huge problem we observed was that the sellers put wood panel over the basement walls to hide the stair step cracks that were on the basement wall (cement). We ripped off all the panels and found that there were cracks everywhere that we did not see. We hired a water proof company to come out and fix the basement. They did all they can and they came out twice. They put a drainage outside next to the basement walls and put in a new sump pump. We thought everything was going good until I went downstairs and seen more cracks in the wall and MOLD was starting to appear. We were about approximately 50,000 in debt; however, my wife took out her retirement and we were able to pay off a little of the debt. Our hands are tied we have exhausted all of our funds in this house. I been working overtime like crazy, but we can barely keep afloat. I have two young sons, one being a 6 yr old and the other 8 months. We think with all the MOLD issues throughout the years, it has affected our 6 yr old. He has been sick all of his young life (mainly of respiratory issues). We came to the conclusion that we must walk in that leave the house. Both of our families are behind us and they think we should of left years ago. At first it was my pride of trying to save everything but my wife and I are too exhausted. We called an attorney and I think we are going to go through the process of Foreclosure and Bankruptcy. We always had good credit, but now it is really going to take a hit. I guess what I am trying to say is that we really need a break. I have always gave when people needed help, but now since all this has happen I am very much in the need. Please if there is someone out there to help it would be most appreciated from all of us.

Thank you for reading



Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:03 pm
by Admin
Once again, not exactly sure what you are looking for. What type of assistance? A genenral cash handout? If so, good luck. If you want info on where to turn to for assistance programs, what state/county do you live in? Without having more info all I can do is suggesst visiting the main site at as it lists info on mortgage and foreclosure programs, debt reduction, various local charities and non-profits, and government programs.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:55 am
by biniwop
I live in Delaware, Ohio. I really don't know what I am asking, I really don't want to foreclose or go into bankruptcy, but my wife and I are done putting anymore money in this house. I wish there were miracles, but I know that 1 in 1,000,000. We talked to an attorney and he advised us not to put any more money in this money pit of a house. My wife and I are confused, but if we have to DESTROY our credit and go back a step in order to move ahead two steps then it might be worth the risk. I truley believe this house is beyond fixing unless it is demolished and built from scratch. I just wish someone out there that sees my story could help, but you know how that is... Thanks for replying, at least their is someone out there that cares to replies. Again, thanks.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:22 am
by Admin
OK. Sounds like you need someone to talk to for more advice. Here is info on assistance programs and organizations in Delaware County Ohio. Maybe try to speak to an attorney. If you meet their income qualifications the advice is free.
Legal Aid Society (888) 301-2411
Or for more advice or general counseling, try the Community Action Organization of Delaware County (937) 642-4986. Thisis the local Delaware County community action agency. ... _pro1.html