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SSD from social services

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 10:26 am
by Thebeagle
I receive SSD for mental Health disabilities. I have been homeless since March 2016 & staying in my car in Ocean County NJ where I lived before becoming homeless. Since receiving my SSD Benefits 2/2014 Child Support has put over 6000 in my account & no one knows why. I have gone to court in 10/2018 but didn’t make a difference judge said I waited too long even though I showed proof that for 4 years almost every day I tried to find help filing the proper papers so now I will pay my X $25 a month for 20 years. Child support told me to have case audited. They know I can’t afford an attorney and I would need 1 to do that. Now I have received help with rent for a year found a house for me & my son that was living with me when I became homeless 3/2016 but has had to go live with his abusive father. I am trying to get help with security the only place that I know of that has funding is Social Services.
I have been there 4 times this past week till they closed. It is so frustrating and confusing everything they want me & my son to do. They tell me wrong things to do then it’s my probe to fix them. On top of having mental disabilities I stay in my car which makes it hard to do anything. My son is 20 now he was almost 18 when became homeless they want him to file for everything he can first including unemployment even though he worked off books for very short time and know he is going to be denied they still are making him do so much which in return puts even more stress on me because my so was classified in school. He has ADHD among other issues. That have gotten worse living with his abusive father. He also must go to a job search program 5 day for 30 hour a week. Moving into this house was supposed to help my son & I but Social Services is making it worse for both of us. I am supposed to move into house 10/1/19 there is no way their gunner have security for us by then my son must do these classes for at least 28 days first.
He has learning issues & don’t think it’s right that they do this to him. I knew groom experience how hard it is when you have disabilities and have rig to do something you can’t in your time because that's been my so-called life since became homeless and before.
I only receive 792 a month from SSD social services; that is not a lot of money by any means and struggle every single month especially the last week of the month. I don’t know how the added gas expense to get him back & forth to these classes every day is helping. My son can get a job when he us ready. I wanted him to have a little time before to get help for the abuse and just live life like most pre- adults do.
Also, I am totally out of money & gas right now & Social Services wants me to still go there & do tier things. Have no clue how gunner do it. I literally have nothing right know. I must sit in my car at 1 place all day because have no gas or money till I receive my SSD on the 3rd. I can’t believe Social Services would put someone thru all of this for security deposit. I am more stressed and anxiety riding then ever. If I don’t get this house because I must jump through hoops for security deposit I am going to continue staying in my car & my son with his abuse e father. Please if you have any resources for security deposit and to fix my car because I put 100 in gas last week something is wrong with it besides having a rusted donut on car. I also need gas I can’t go anywhere I am out of gas & money. It’s just me & my son. I have no support at all from family. Haven’t talked to my mother in months she doesn’t understand my disability and doesn’t try to she talks down to me so I decided to cut her out if my life because I am trying so hard for me & my son to get a house which finally did but now need security. We need this so we can both love a happy life with lot being treated bad. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Re: SSD from social services

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:28 pm
by JasonDD
I am reaching out looking for resources.  It was suggested to me by Social Services to reach out to your program because you may be able to help with electricity bills or past due bills, is this true? I had surgery to remove my thyroid (not trying to make a sob story) and since then have fallen behind on everything and am struggling to keep my head above water. I live in Old Roseville in California in an incredibly old house that does not have central heating and air. My electricity bill is backed up as I try to keep the house warm for my children (I have a 9, 7 and  2 year old). Not only am I behind on all my bills but am also struggling with keeping enough food in the house and preparing for Christmas. Can SSD from social services help me? It was suggested that I reach out to you by social services and see if there may be resources (like SSD) available for my family.
I appreciate any information or resources you may have.
Thank you for your time!

Re: SSD from social services

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:56 am
by Admin
no, that is not true. We do not provide direct financial help. We only provide information, referrals, and similar resources. But you can find them on our website, and look here for public assistance near you.
JasonDD wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:28 pm Hello,
I am reaching out looking for resources.  It was suggested to me by Social Services to reach out to your program because you may be able to help with electricity bills or past due bills, is this true?