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Hit by corporate downsize

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:54 pm
by Lebron
Please find it in your heart to give a hand up to desperate person.
My husband lost his job after 20 years of loyal service due to a corporate downsize. While he did find a new job in his field, it was 40% of what he was making and working 70 hours a week. Even with me going back to work and working 2 jobs, we were still at 50% of his pay. Medical bills piled up and got way behind. Raising 3 active boys kept me at the emergency room and Dr Offices. Our cars are so old they are falling apart causing even more stress. I barely have enough money to put decent food on the table. Our clothes are old and worn out. I am at my wit's end. If we could get a hand up, we would be so grateful. $75,000 will pay past medical bills, a few new clothes and get us decent cars.
Please find it in your heart to help us.
Thank you

Re: Hit by corporate downsize

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:17 am
by Hanlon3
I currently am unemployed from my company downsizing and live with my teenage daughter and disabled ex-husband. Currently the only income we have is his disability which is $810 per month and our food stamps which are $450 per month. With our $500 mortgage payment and utilities we literally have no money left to pay for anything like Laundry Soap, cleaning products, toilet paper, tampons, shampoo & conditioner, etc.
On top of that the amount of food stamps we receive never covers the entire month. We are hardly getting buy. Also having issues finding new employment with no vehicle. I don't know if there are programs available for help with car purchase and/or insurance. Please advice. Very hard to find employment with no transportation and definitely do not have the money to save anything. We can't even make all of our monthly obligations now. Trying to obtain and resources to help myself and my family become financially independent. Anything you could suggest I would greatly appreciate. Thank You.

Re: Hit by corporate downsize

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:54 am
by Friedman
I need some money to pay for my apartment rent. It is 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment. I received allowance of 830 per month, but I could not afford to pay for the second room when my roommate left after he lost his job from his corporation. The landlord did not even allowed me to move out and they keep asking me to pay for both room because she left.
The total for 2 room is 740, but I only need 370 more (for the second room). The allowance money will be used for paying internet, electric bills, phone top up and rent. Thus it will only left me with about 100 or 200 per month for groceries thus I could not afford for the second rent payment. I hope someone could help me.

Re: Hit by corporate downsize

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 7:38 pm
by Admin
The executives laid off too? Or a big bonus for them? Anyhow, find rent help in San Antonio. A lot of churches down there may have some funds. And job programs can help you find employment too.