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March rent payment

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:40 am
by shirlee
I need help to pay my rent or at least some of the rent for the month of March. I just moved into the apartment in January and due to family and personal matters, they were interfering with work. So in order for me to get things back on track I had to leave my job. I have a 3 year old boy and I don’t want us to get kicked out due to lack of rent payment. I don’t want to have to put my son through homelessness.

Re: March rent payment

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:00 am
by Jstark
I lost employment in February 2017. Due to unemployment issue amount I fell behind on my bills.
I have 2 months of unpaid daycare-when I was seeking employment and interning because CCRR denied me for daycare assistance while I looked for work and interned. I owe 3,000.00.
I am behind on my rent for month of March; I started a job May 2, but don't have enough income to pay my household bills and rent, so I paid what bills I could but will have next month's rent due soon too-June 1st.
I was in an auto accident and had to use money to get a vehicle to keep my current employment, and I will not be able to get caught up on my bills even with the employment I do have. I live in income based housing but that was calculated based on a monetary gift from my father; but who is no longer able to assist me, due to him taking in 2 homeless people and providing for them; one has a child.
I signed up at the same time for my rent to be based on 30% of my income but it is not at the top of the list to be considered yet. I am basically one month behind on my bills and rent, feel that I won’t be able to catch up.
I have 3 kids, and though I have applied for child support the state isn't enforcing the amount to pay, though both fathers have employment. I am not eligible for services because of the child support but it isn't being paid by one father, isn't even the correct amount for the other. I am being denied services due to my income but I have only had income for 3 weeks. Since March what the point of apply for assistance for low income families if I don't get the services my family needs though we qualify. This is stressing me out.

Re: March rent payment

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:29 pm
by Admin
Since you are are way late for applying for March rent help, it is a crisis. So try one of the emergency programs for what you need. As there are several options out there, as noted here. Each comes with its own application process. But there is no way they will pay your entire March rent you better keep seeking help from other places. Here are details. ... tance.html

Re: March rent payment

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:45 am
by Low income person
Hi, My boyfriend and I are both on SSDI with very low income. We moved to Beaver Dam a year ago from Madison, WI after being homeless for 6 months and losing everything. We have come a long way and for the past year doing very well for the most part. We are behind $465 in rent and received a 5 day eviction notice on March 1st 2019. My boyfriend’s SSDI payments have had some payment issues during the past few months and we are behind a little more than listed above now too but plan to pay $520 rent for July and $520 and are just asking for some very much needed assistance with the $465 past due stated on the 5 day eviction notice. I can be reached at any time. Thank you.

Re: March rent payment

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 10:48 am
by Admin
There are assistance programs in Dodge County for rent, housing, utilities, and other bills. Find them here. ... rogra.html
SSDI does not pay much. Even people on SSDI can work though too without benefits being cut. So look into that at the same time as you apply for rent help in Beaver Dam.
Low income person wrote:Hi, My boyfriend and I are both on SSDI with very low income. We moved to Beaver Dam a year ago from Madison, WI after being homeless for 6 months and losing everything.