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Been years on waiting lists for housing

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:21 am
by BeginAgain
I am on social security. My income from this is $753 per month. My rent is $780, plus electric, phone, shampoo, toilet paper etc. I have applied for HUD and section 8 as well as tax credit housing. I have borrowed all I can and can't seem to find a homeless prevention plan that I qualify for. Sometimes it is my age (57) other times it is years on waiting lists. I still apply anyway, but don't want to be homeless again! Help!

Re: Been years on waiting lists for housing

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:26 am
by Admin
HUD does have an extensive waiting list. There is no way to get around that. Especially with the low incomes in Kentucky, the demand for section 8 is high. But get your name on the waiting list. It may take years....multiple years. But once you get in you should see the benefits. Read more Kentucky section 8 housing.
BeginAgain wrote: I have applied for HUD and section 8 as well as tax credit housing.Sometimes it is my age (57) other times it is years on waiting lists. I still apply anyway, but don't want to be homeless again! Help!

Re: Been years on waiting lists for housing

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:57 pm
by zen1
Need help paying a bill so I can get DMHA housing and Dayton Ohio. I only need 481 dollars and I could set up a payment plan to pay you back. I do receive a social security income check for my mental health disability.
I have a 9 year old who has special needs and we both have been homeless for about 4 years off and on can somebody please contact me back and let me know if you can assist me and this issue I have before the holidays. I have until January 7th to get this paid or they will take my name off the list for housing and I might have to wait another 4 years.