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Everything for me and my family in Utah

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:56 am
by Henert
Hi. I was on your website and was reading how you may be able to help me. I am trying to restart my life as a single mom. I have a protective order against my husband for domestic violence. In the form of pushing in front of my children as well as emotional and verbal abuse. I have been put of work for about a month. I begin a new job tomorrow but the pay is not enough to support my family. I have 4 children. My vehicle is Unreliable and my rent is due. I live in Box Elder County in Utah. What can I do to maybe get some help?

Re: Everything for me and my family in Utah

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:36 am
by Admin
Here are programs for Elder County Utah. Go for you in getting a job, as the market is very strong. Maybe you can live with other family if your income is not substantial, and they can help you with some of those shared expenses of rent, utilities, etc. But the agenices we referenced may have other suggestions too on single parent programs. You may also need counseling too, along with the 4 kids.
Henert wrote:Hi. I was on your website and was reading how you may be able to help me. I am trying to restart my life as a single mom. I have a protective order against my husband for domestic violence. In the form of pushing in front of my children as well as emotional and verbal abuse. I have been put of work for about a month. I begin a new job tomorrow but the pay is not enough to support my family. I have 4 children. My vehicle is Unreliable and my rent is due. I live in Box Elder County in Utah. What can I do to maybe get some help?