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I am a widow on SSI disability payments

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:26 am
by JamesGag
Need of advocacy on several matters by a low income widow on SSDI. Utility bills, village ordinance issues, home repairs and maintenance. Lives independently, homeowner, not housebound. No family or friends nearby capable (or trustworthy) of assisting. Wish to preserve my independence and dignity. Wish to continue contributing by volunteer work, micro-business, etc.

Re: I am a widow on SSI disability payments

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:31 am
by Reena Enan
I have a bullet lodged in my brain, I receive S.S.I. I have three minor Children and My Fiance who passed away, so I am in effect a widow. He went to apply for S.S.I already. He has no income recently had surgery on his left leg and has to stay off it for three Months. My Rent is 1400 and I had a roommate whom just got Up and left to help her son out and I'm left with all the bills, rent and food, Toilet paper, soap.
I'm So Stressed Out I Can't Sleep sometimes for day's wondering how I'm going to keep a roof over my children head and to feed them without worrying about how I'm going to come Up with More Money for More Groceries. I pray there is some kind of Help. Thank You for your time.

Re: I am a widow on SSI disability payments

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:51 am
by Admin
Maybe the low income widow can try a disability grant program. they may give her the home repairs she needs. Also there are caregiver programs. Maybe she can find someone trustworthy from one of those agencies.
JamesGag wrote:Need of advocacy on several matters by a low income widow on SSDI. Utility bills, village ordinance issues, home repairs and maintenance. Lives independently, homeowner, not housebound. No family or friends nearby capable (or trustworthy) of assisting. Wish to preserve my independence and dignity. Wish to continue contributing by volunteer work, micro-business, etc.