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Workers comp denied so now I have an eviction notice

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:19 am
by Lifestyle
I'm a single independent young mother of two beautiful children. The reason I'm seeking assistance is because I recently gotten injured on the job and fractured my arm. Due to the accident I have been out of work for about 3 weeks. I was also denied workers comp because the company I was working for was uninsured for slip and fall accidents. So now I have been struggling to pay my bills. I have already been threatened to be evicted, my next step may be eviction. At this point I'm extremely desperate and needs help badly. Please help us.

Re: Workers comp denied so now I have an eviction notice

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:50 am
by Admin
If you were hurt at work did you apply for disability, as that may give you some cash so you are not evicted. Your employer should have some sort of compensation plan in place. Also, since you are facing just a short term loss in income, you should be much more likely to qualify for financial help or counseling for the eviction. Call one of the many agencies we have listed. ... grams.html

Re: Workers comp denied so now I have an eviction notice

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:07 am
by Kellyey
I was injured on the job in February and couldn't work until recently, and was denied workman's comp wages. I have sold everything of value in the past months to pay my bills as well as rent. I was released from doctor and since have found par-time work. My rent is past due (I have an eviction notice) and utilities is getting ready to be shut off. I really need assistance bad and have not had to do this before.