Listing of community action groups in Tennessee

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Listing of community action groups in Tennessee

Post by Putin »

Good afternoon, I'm requesting help for my electricity bill and other costs. I reside in Memphis Tennessee. I've went to CSA, the local community action, for local Rent, mortgage, and energy assistance office. I've just started a new job 3 months ago and I requested there help, they give me the run around for two months total.
I've just signed my new lease to a new apartment. I gave them all the correct information asked of. I'm pregnant with 3 other kids ages 4, 9, and 14. I have until Monday to get my services turned on or I get evicted out of my apartment and I haven't even got a key yet or moved in. Is there any other help I can get? Please I’m currently living with a friend and her lease is up in 2 weeks.
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Re: Listing of community action groups in Tennessee

Post by Stubaker »

To whom it may concern,
I was searching for a page on the internet dedicated to helping those in need located somewhere in Tennessee. I came across your page for those who live in and around the Knoxville Tennessee area. I am in desperate need of help for my mother.
Let me see if I can explain. My mother lives in Knoxville, she has lived there her entire life. Five (almost six) years ago we lost my dad to his battle with many different health issues. This was extremely hard on my mother. This man who had been with her, provided for her, took care of her and fixed everything for her in her life for over 40 years was now gone. My mom is very much a strong independent woman, but after my dad's death something changed.
My mom is now the only source of income in her house and there have been circumstances that have left her with no car and a job that maybe provides 20% of the funds needed to cover her bills. I am trying to find help for her in this manner. If someone can donate funds and/or a car that runs and works with no maintenance issues. Or if there is a way to let her make payments on a car that would be good as well. This is truly what I need for her, so she can get back on her feet again.
To explain in the few years after my dad’s death my mother has gotten into three car accidents just last year alone. She almost got her house repossessed by the government due to late taxes. She has spent time without power during cold spells and has had her home phone disconnected so I could not reach her. I did pay all I could to keep her in her home in 2011, but now my budget it stressed and I cannot help her anymore. We were able to save the house, but she did have to take a home equity loan and without the means to go to work she will be in danger again. My mother is the type of woman who will give her last dollar to someone even if she needs it. She has been “paying it forward” all her life, but now needs this good deed given back to her. I do have two other sisters. One of them lives with her and the other is out of state like myself. I have asked if they could step up this time and pay something towards a car or the loan but from what they are saying they are dealing with layoffs and a stressed budget like most of America.
I know this might be a bit of a reach considering she is 68 years old. But I feel as if this is something I have to try. I guess the reason I am reaching out to you is to see if there is any way you could possibly help me out. All I need is her story to be told, or to be told where I might be able to go, write or send this information too to get her the help she needs. I have reached out to a few churches with no luck. If you could in any way help me I am be so completely grateful to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any help you can give me. If you need anything else or more information please contact me. I will do anything to make sure she is taken care of.
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Re: Listing of community action groups in Tennessee

Post by JJJudy »

Hi, I stay in Memphis TN. I have been trying to apply for rental assistance from CSA since November. I have called Plenty of times and I can't not get anyone. I have applied for utilities assistance through CSA in November and I have still be able to receive help. I am a single mother of two. In November I was laid off from work. I have contacted any assistance service I could. Everyone says there are no funds. During this time I have lost my vehicle and been renting car to get me and my children back to school and etc. Who do I need to talk to or where do I need to go to get help?
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Re: Listing of community action groups in Tennessee

Post by Rachel »

I'm a single mum with two boys (4 years old and 13 months) and in extreme need of help here in Tennessee. I can’t make ends meet and haven't yet found a job, even while working with community action, although I am part time in school. I was reading your web site but not sure you guys have a location anywhere near me. Can you help us or at least point us in the right direction please.
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Re: Listing of community action groups in Tennessee

Post by Admin »

We are not sure what you are asking? A listing of community action agencies in Tennessee? If so, there are some in every county. Maybe they can help you and your 2 boys.
Rachel wrote:Hi,
I'm a single mum with two boys (4 years old and 13 months) and in extreme need of help here in Tennessee. I can’t make ends meet and haven't yet found a job, even while working with community action, although I am part time in school. I was reading your web site but not sure you guys have a location anywhere near me. Can you help us or at least point us in the right direction please.
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