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Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bill he

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:47 am
by WSapp
I am a dialysis patient and I receive a disability check. However, close to half of my check goes toward child support that is in arrears. I am trying to get the child support payments reduced because it is hard for me to live. I am behind in everything (rent and utilities). I have been trying to work part-time, but do not seem to be getting ahead right now. I really need help. Thanks for allowing me to post my needs.

Re: Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bil

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:43 am
by Admin
you didn't indicate the state, but we think it is Alabama. There is not much you can do to get child care payment lowered. Maybe try court with your ex. There are different programs for the disabled, and case managers may have advice for you. There are even housing/rent options for you in Alabama. Try this for details. ... t_pro.html

Re: Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bill he

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:35 pm
by Inglesias
To whom it may concern;
I am writing this letter on my mother’s behalf. My mother is a senior citizen on fixed income and she's on several medications and was placed on dialysis last year and she's in need of assistance with paying her utility bills. She's made several trips to the hospital in the last few months and wasn't able to pay the amount due to the bills. It's a urgent matter and if you can assist in any way it would be appreciated.

Re: Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bill he

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:07 pm
by RonnieSmith
Good morning,
My mom (late sixties) and stepfather (late seventies) need financial assistance. My stepfather has diabetes. He is on dialysis and is losing his eye sight and hearing. My mom has polycystic kidney disease and is currently on dialysis. Due to her disease, she developed an aneurysm and underwent a craniotomy almost four months ago. Their mounting medical bills and inability to work are making it extremely difficult to pay for all their expenses, including food.
They live in Parsons, Kansas
Any guidance on what services are available in their area for someone in their situation is greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Re: Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bill he

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:07 am
by Marissa
Hello! I am a single mother on disability dialysis who has been receiving rental and medical assistance from social services (Burlington County), renewable every 6 months. The most recent one was to be paid up through August and then was to be renewed again. I was informed 2 weeks ago that funding has been cut for the program my daughter and I have been assisted on and our rent will not now be paid in August or thereafter. I would be grateful for any advice or assistance on housing or places for our dialysis medications you can provide. Thanks so much in advance.

Re: Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bill he

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 7:32 am
by Zentec1
To Whom It May Concern, I have no were else to turn too my husband who is disable and on dialysis is needing help with our rent and medications very badly. If you are if someone could PLEASE HELP our rent is due. We moved from Tyler in October and my husband was hospitalized right after we tried getting on housing. It seems that fell l'm unable for work for taking care of my husband.
He receives disability for the Dialysis but the place where we temporarily live won't wait until he gets his payment. We need help even if it’s one time help. My husband name is and your help will be GREATLY appreciated. We just don’t know what to do at this moment PLEASE give us a call for help. Thank you and have a bless day yourself. Truly

Re: Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bill he

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:41 pm
by Whitney
My landlord is starting the eviction process to get myself and my husband evicted due to a retaliation against us because of the tenants in the building stating we are causing problems to them.
My husband is on dialysis and has that dialysis machine keeping him alive. I have grand mal epileptic seizures and have a service dog.
I just fell on the ice outside my landlord's rental property. I am on bed rest due to me have a bad back strain.
Plus, I have been dealing with no hot water due to the tenants in the building turning it down to lukewarm to cold and I had it set to where I like the hot water to be, and my husband can’t afford to get sick.
Our furnace gets down to this many degrees on the left side of the thermostat and what we usually have it set on, on the right. It feels like an icebox in here when it gets to be down to that many degrees. One time it was down to 52 degrees as the air was on full blast and no furnace was on for 3 days straight. The tenants in the building rigged up our thermostat so that they would have control of our heating system. Even if we put the furnace on, it gets to be a sauna in here or the furnace would run for 15 mins and then go off completely for an hour.
That dog in the one picture was my other service dog. He passed away one week after developing chronic kidney failure. We think the landlord was letting the tenants in the building and their friends into our apartment while we were not home to let them do bad things to our dogs. We still have the female dog. The one that passed away was the male.
Plus, I have receipts showing I had to pay for my own icebox and my own stove as the ones the landlord bought were refurbished and stopped working after a few weeks.
I tried everything to get some help for this issue, rent and medications for dialysis, and to no avail did anyone help us.
I really want reimbursed for the out-of-pocket costs from the stove and icebox
And to get reimbursed for my medical bill and to have the landlord pay me for the damages his tenants caused to our health in order to put up with their nuisance and not being able to have the covenant to quiet enjoyment
We want to have help looking for a house in a nice quiet area.
Hoping you can help us with rent and utilities as we don’t want to be put out on the streets any time soon.
These pictures I have enclosed are all proof of what we endure here no thanks to the landlord in which I did tell him all about it and he just laughs like it is a joke.
Plus, he did not salt the sidewalk after I told him numerous times that he has to get someone to put salt down. He hung up on me.
There were times when he sexually assaulted me, and my husband is my witness for that issue and was unable to respond due to the dialysis treatment.
Plus, I am being kept out of the basement due to the tenants in the building having a court order stating they own this place, and I am not allowed in the basement. So, I have no access to the basement neither.
Plus, I have been falsely accused of things that I didn't do and was cited by my local police department 3-4x based on false accusations/false allegations. I am barely making it as I have my good days and my bad days due to my epilepsy and I can end up in a coma at any time.
Please help us!

Re: Dialysis patient needs rent, medication, and utility bill he

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:39 am
by Admin
With that list of information need, look into free stuff and items.
Maybe you can get grants or free insulin. Or get financial help. Or free stuff for your home or clothes and other goods you need.