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Financial aid for my senior citizen parents

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:16 am
by Moment4
Good afternoon! I wanted to see if I could possibly get some help for my Parents, My Dad (age 55) is currently not working. He got laid off his job do to an injury at work. He can not go back to work because he is getting physical therapy three times a week for an hour. He is not getting any help from workers compensation or social security or unemployment because he does not qualify. He is getting food stamps at $300 a month and he did only qualified for that. My mother (age 62) has been blind since 2010 and is unable to work. She does get social security once a month for the amount of $860.00 dollars. They are struggling to pay bills and are behind on their rent. could you advice me on any type of help that they can possibly get? Thank you very much for your time.

Re: Financial aid for my senior citizen parents

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:48 pm
by gibbs
I am needing help to pay my rent and car payment. I am taking care of my disabled sister in law and my mother just passed away on October 2nd and I helped pay some of her funeral cost. My my only other senior parent need help too. However her husband couldn't pay for anything so it left me short to pay my bills and I have been told by the car company that they don't care about my personal life. They said they have to run a business and my landlord who is not the nicest person who also don't care pretty much told me the same thing.

Re: Financial aid for my senior citizen parents

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:09 pm
by Thompson
My mother is 73 years old and she is on a fixed income every month. She is paying 700 for rent and it is hard for her. She only get SSI. In most monthd she can use some help to pay her rent. Most of her money goes to her rent and bills. She is hardly left with anything at the end of the month. Please help thanks. Also she live in Buffalo New York. We try senior care they didn't help very much. A lot of these programs in buffalo you have to be in a certain district or distance for you to receive any help from these programs. They are very strict with procedures this is one of the reasons we don’t know what to do next or who to call.

Re: Financial aid for my senior citizen parents

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:01 pm
by Admin
We do have information on agency on aging centers and senior care. We also cover Buffalo. they usually don't have direct financial aid, but many of those centers do offer referrals. Do you inquire into them in New York? Any, find all of our information on senior care and programs.