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Grants or vouchers for groceries

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:59 pm
by Armstrong
I am struggling with paying my bills. I live in [Northern] Virginia. Basically, I live paycheck to paycheck. I am a single mother, but I work full-time and still manage to pay my bills on time, however I find myself putting certain expenses like food or gas money on credit cards. I'm reluctant to ask for help as 1) I am a homeowner [FHA loan in a "low income" neighborhood 2) I have never asked for government assistance and for a very long time took pride in it 3) I work for a state agency and I worry it may be frowned upon that as a state employee, that I am asking for help. The reality of the matter is, I consider myself a good person, who doesn't want to drain the state or country's resources more than already being done by already perfectly healthy people (like myself)- I don't want to be another statistic, but if there are "grants for paying electric bills" or "grocery store gift cards", I'd love to have a little help- TEMPORARILY. I mentioned those because I do not need cash. I do not NEED "help" whatsoever as I technically can put items on my credit card, but as I am already almost 10K in credit card debt +mortgage + car note, etc) with a "big kid" (15 year old duahgter), I think I'm not making my situation any better. I am not splurging on clothes, fine dining, entertainment, etc. I have already cut costs wherever I could, but help OR advice is greatly appreciated.

Re: Grants or vouchers for groceries

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:53 pm
by Bosch
Hi, I live in Kenova West Virginia 25530. I'm on disability and I make $782 a month and have no money for groceries. By time I pay my rent and a little bit of food I have no money for clothing. Or no extra money for anything at the store. I just like to know if I can get a little help, like vouchers for food and groceries. I need extra money for groceries and for accessories. I don't know if I'm eligible for any kind of grant money or assistance other than what I'm getting. I'm only get $15 a month in food stamps and I have another phone from the government but the minutes are about gone. I was just wondering if I'm eligible for anything.

Re: Grants or vouchers for groceries

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:07 pm
by Admin
We may have some options listed for you on the site. Find them here, as well as tips on how to save money on groceries. As you have many options available. Our site also lists food pantries, coupons, and other suggestions.

Bosch wrote: have no money for groceries. By time I pay my rent and a little bit of food I have no money for clothing. Or no extra money for anything at the store. I just like to know if I can get a little help, like vouchers for food and groceries. I need extra money for groceries and for accessories.