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Breast cancer patient needs financial help

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:50 am
by mistybluediane
I need help.... Fired from job (EEOC claim pending), denied SSI (appeal pending), behind with bills, paying expensive insurance to cover costs and generally just need some help/advice....

Re: Breast cancer patient needs financial help

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:24 pm
by Admin
If saying fired from job illegally, or questionably, and for the SSI denial issue, look into free legal aid. It is offered for income qualified individuals. Read more here, and select your state midway down the page. ... dvice.html
As far as financial help for cancer, try this for organizations that offer help for cancer patients. A number of non-profits offer programs that you may want to look into.

mistybluediane wrote:I need help.... Fired from job (EEOC claim pending), denied SSI (appeal pending), behind with bills, paying expensive insurance to cover costs and generally just need some help/advice....

Re: Breast cancer patient needs financial help

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:38 am
by SeeMe
I have been fighting breast cancer now for 7 years. It started in my breast and is now in my spine. I lost my job last year where I had worked for 10 years.
We just recently found out that my husband has kidney cancer and he had to have his kidney removed so he is out of work and we have no income coming in for a few months. We have 4 children in our house that depends on us as for as eating and so fourth. I just didn’t know if there is anything that I could do. Anyone that I can talk to about getting some help for a few months. We are very hardworking people and we love God. He has been our rock through all of this. Thank you so much for reading this.

Re: Breast cancer patient needs financial help

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:25 am
by Inglesias
I have breast cancer that meets to bone. I am undergoing treatment at Stephanie spielman center at Ohio State. First diagnosed 2004. Now won’t get better over time. I just need help with bills. Can send directly to electric AEP Company or mortgage citi.
My problem is I get SS and spouse has job but we fall through cracks. With cancer there are tests, Copays, Medications, gas, travel etc. on a budget already stretched. I am tired of constantly worrying and just want to concentrate on my youngest two still at home. Please direct me to someone who understands even when you’re not poor cancer can ruin life in more Ways than one. I’m so tired worrying... Thanks

Re: Breast cancer patient needs financial help

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:20 am
by Rose
I am a two-time breast cancer survivor at this time. I am moving just paid for my rent and deposit $1,950 on SSI and SSA and I'm looking for help for my grandson and my granddaughter. I have custody of my grandson wish I had him since he was 3 days old and now he is 6. I'm asking for help from him so please, any place to help me. I really appreciate it. Thank you and have a wonderful day and Merry Christmas.

Re: Breast cancer patient needs financial help

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:04 am
by Admin
If you tried the cancer programs we have listed, and if those did not help, here are other options as well. Some assist with Breast Cancer. So try these for support. ... ns_th.html