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please need help with sec deposit and first months rent

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:59 pm
by olfields
hi my name is olga and i live in justice ill and im homeless right now living in a very cheap motel four to a room and im looking for any kind of help and the thing is that i cant get help from the chicago area because i live right outside of that area im really needing help because im unable to kept paying the motel fees and save money at the same time for an apartment my room rent a month is over a 1000 a month.... how am i to save anything if everything i make goes to pay this room rent i have me and my 4 year old granddaughter and my mom wich is disabled and my husbred living in a tiny cheap motel room please i need any kind of help

Re: please need help with sec deposit and first months rent

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:01 am
by Admin
Hi, we replied to your other posting here. ... f=6&t=1818

Re: please need help with sec deposit and first months rent

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:55 pm
by Newport
Hello there. Myself and my 4 young children are currently in need of financial assistance. We are currently homeless at the moment and I am temporarily on a leave of absence due to the delivery of my newborn baby that I had on March 22nd.

We have been approved to move in to an apartment on 7/13/14 yet I don't have the move in costs of $425 to move in tomorrow. We also have to create an account with SRP and the deposit for that is estimated to be $200.

I'm reaching out to anyone that would be willing to assist us with this in Any way. Whether it be finances or a telephone number. A charity or a reference of anyone that could possibly help my children and I.

I thank you for your time and consideration of this matter. We deeply appreciate it.

Re: please need help with sec deposit and first months rent

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:24 am
by Admin
Asking for $425 in the Oakland California market is honestly fairly reasonable. You may have a chance in getting rental deposit help from a charity. But you have 4 young children, and are expecting another, but you can't afford any of them? That will tremendously hurt your request as you are clearly have kids irresponsibly and can't afford to house them. But try these programs for security deposit assistance in Oakland California.