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In need of assistance Please

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:30 pm
by c3g
This is the first time I am doing this and I am unsure of how to handle things. I have lost my job I have been a nurse for 17 years. I have been putting out applications everyday with no luck. I have aplied for unemployment and I have not been approved yet. I have been going to food banks to feed my family but if I am not on SNAP benifits then I cant get food from the food bank! which doenst make sense. My rent is due and I cant pay anything. My ultilities will be due soon. I have aplied for SNAP benefits I have turned off my phone for I cant pay the bill. My car is illegal now since I can no longer pay insurance and the registration is due. I am walking to the library to use the internet. Please can someone advise me what I can do? Please

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:48 am
by deb sn
You need to apply for food stamp benefits also from your state. Until then, check with your area churches for food pantries that can help you until benefits become available. Also call your town clerk and ask for the Trustee's phone number for your town. They may also be able to give you information on other food pantries.

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:29 am
by MTrout
I am a single mom of a 3yr, and a 7yr. I am also a full time student, and was unable to receive my financial aid overage for this semester which means my children and I have to go until September with no money. I was looking for rental assistance, utility bill assistance, vehicle repair/ins/payment/gas assistance, food programs, clothing...etc. pretty much everything. My gas has been shut off, thank goodness its the middle of summer, my internet has been shut off and I attend school online so I have to rely on friends, and families to let me go to their house to use their internet. My phone has been shut off, so I am unable to receive phone calls for possible jobs. My laptop computer no longer works. My children, and I are in desperate help. please help. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from someone soon.

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:17 am
by JoeBrown
I recently moved to Michigan in March. Two months ago I had a situation where my children and I had to leave unexpectedly and go to Atlanta for a few weeks because my oldest son had been stabbed. I have fallen behind on everything. I owe 2 months back rent and I am also behind on bills. Please help. I can’t lose my apartment. My children and I don’t have anywhere to go.

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:37 am
by Admin
Do you have a job in Michigan? Hopefully you did before you moved there. It depends on where you live in the state. Some of the larger areas have tons of programs, but a small community is another story. But there are numerous housing assistance programs in the state. Find more Michigan assistance programs.

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:32 pm
by Bobbie13
I recently got hurt and can not work. My girlfriend has just lost her job and is an the process of getting one now. All our bills are due or past due . I am in need of help paying water, energy , and my rent. I have food stamps already and an friend said this website can help so please if you can do anything I NEED help. This is the first time this has happen to me , so any and all information will help. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon.

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:38 pm
by Admin
This site doesn't provide direct aid to people, but we have information. For example, if you have food stamps, then there are other government and public benefits too. Arizona has many programs that are run by social services, including low income energy bill resources. They also run job training centers, so those may be an option for you too. Get more details on the aid in Arizona. ... izona.html

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:19 am
by Aldean
I'm going to be short and to the point. I'm in a pretty bad spot at the moment with necessary and no option for a way for me to do it for vehicle repair. I have a 2004 Ford Ranger that I have replaced the motor and transmission in. The truck itself is not to bad Of condition considering it has over 150,000 miles on it.
The problem is that I had the truck parked at a garage and the converters and exhaust system was stolen. I got the money to replace it but I have had a lot of things that I have sold to pay for bills such as this one and I'm out of options, that is the only reason I am asking for any assistance is that I have used up all my other options.
The problem and it's a significant one, I am very sick and have a lot of medical problems. I have a rare blood disorder called protein S and C deficiency which causes me to throw blood clots at any given time. In 2010 I had a large clot that hit my left lung and caused a massive Pulmonary Embolism, the only reason I survived it was because the Good Lord isn't ready for me. I since that time, I've had 5 strokes 14 mini strokes, a mild Heart Attack, 2 more PE, and thrown multiple clots that has now become a major part of my life and my body going out on me. I have orth-static Hypo-Tension, this causes me to pass out from standing up to quickly, I'm on medicine that is helping but it doesn't matter if I am not doing good it's going to happen. I also have Autonomic Neuropathy, It came from the first stroke. I have recently been diagnosed with Addison's Disease and am having a great deal of problems controlling it. My hips are the same as a 80 year old due to throwing clots in both that has caused complete blood flow restrictions and my hip joints have collapsed to bone on bone. My left leg is numb due to cell death and necrosis. I can't get through the surgery at the moment because of the other conditions. I'm having severe back spasms from 13 degenerate disc disease and herniated discipline. I have a cyst on my lower vertebrae that will make me paralyzed in a few years unless I can get stable and have surgery. But I'm proud and honestly honored because God has blessed me with so much more than getting past the few things wrong with my body because my heart is beating great fully clothed and loaded with the love of God.
I testify to the blessings of getting up and able to do the few things I do but it's not even a little bit of luck with my life. I have no doubt that God's not done with me and I know that because I've been to heaven's door many times and he has said not yet I don't want you here at the moment you have a mission to speak to others about that life of yours and the blessings.
I have a lot of other things that are wrong with me but you can see my burden. I have to have reliable transportation and a vehicle that's not going to leave me alone on the side of the road. I do a lot of outside events and utilize the opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life by spreading my blessings to others. I'm not saying anything for you to be concerned with or to consider helping me out over another person, I am well aware that there's plenty more people who are far more worse than me.
I worked and Taught, both Fire and EMS. I am a disabled / Retired from FireFighter Instructor since 1995. I'm also a veteran Of EMS and Rescue since 1994. I once had some of the highest level of certification and qualifications in the country however being disabled and the low payment for it has been a struggle. I see a lot of people who don't know how much they should be thankful for what they have. I had no idea where I'd be now but it wasn't anything like this.
My truck needs a transfer case for the 4X4 and wheel Barron's are gone on the front. The o2 sensor is not working burning up my gas. The rest is maintenance and simpler things but it would leave me out and on the side of the road. I would be willing to do something to repay for anyone who could help me out to get it fixed. I am not able to do all that much but I can give you a lot of things that you will appreciate from the way god's blessings have been so overwhelming and great. I don't have any expectations and thank you for your time and prayers.
There's a lot more than I am able to stay on my phone and send messages from but I could have you and anyone else having a special moment with God simply because of the many things I have been through and saw over my years of emergency services.

Re: In need of assistance Please

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:49 am
by GSCI2
I am a homeowner who was unemployed from September 2011 to November 2013. I went from making over $50,000 a year to making $932 a month on unemployment. God protects me and I am so thankful that I did not loose my home while I was unemployed. I finally found a job as a salesman making $14 an hour and began working at a corporate office in Chicago back in November 2013.
I was able to maintain all of my bills but my Providence Home Owners Association. I was not able to make my HOA payments so the HOA have disconnected the water service to my home. I have been without water since May 2014 and my balance is over $1,500. I have been trying my best to take care of this matter but with all my other bills I am not able to do so. I am doing much better now. I would love to have your assistance in this matter and I do not know where else to turn. I am working now but I have not able to bring my Home Owners Association balance to $0. On top of all this, HOA charges a $350 fee in order to get our water service restored plus we have to pay the balance.
I am a graduate of USC. I was a Family Counselor on my previous job that provided professional guidance and support to low income families so that they can achieve greater levels of self-sufficiency and development. I performed searches for community programs and jobs that best fit the family's needs. I served as a liaison to police agencies, courthouses, educational institutions, financial institutions, medical facilities, and mental health facilities in an effort to coordinate the elements needed to allow the low income families to maximize their potential. I planned, coordinated, administered, and attended community events such as health fairs, job fairs, community fairs, public ceremonies, advocating for the needy families. I established and coordinated liaisons with community leaders, city executives, and business leaders within Metropolitan Cook County and its surrounding counties. It is ironic because now I am the one with the low income that is in need of financial assistance.
I am also way behind on my federal taxes, state taxes, and my student loan payments but I really would like your help getting the water service to my home restored.