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Don't know where to turn

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:24 pm
by punkmonkey
Can someone please help me? I am at my wits end. I have for some time been one financial oops away from the street, and now it looks as if I have had the oops. I need car repairs (recent accident - my fault - can't afford ins. deductible). My car is my life blood, as my employment is in several cities up to 60 miles from where I live. I don't know if I will even have rent this month, and I have a car payment that I can't afford, as well as an outrageous insurance payment that I am sure will go up even higher now that I had a minor fender bender.
I am at my wits end, and have only managed to sit down and type this after hours of pacing in a frantic circle. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to turn. I recently moved to Redlands, California in an attempt to better my situation, and now I am in the dark as to where to turn.



Re: Don't know where to turn

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:17 pm
by Admin
Insurance and car payments are a little harder to get help with, but rent assistance programs are a little more common. However funding is very limited.
Here is a listing of agencies in the Redlands and San Bernardino County California region. For example, try the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) dial 909-723-1500 and the Family Service Association of Redlands ( (909) 793-2673)) may be two of the non-profit or government agencies to call for information and data on rent programs. Ask them about help for your car as well. They may know of some local charities. ... istan.html
punkmonkey wrote:Can someone please help me? I am at my wits end. I have for some time been one financial oops away from the street, and now it looks as if I have had the oops. I need car repairs (recent accident - my fault - can't afford ins. deductible). My car is my life blood, as my employment is in several cities up to 60 miles from where I live. I don't know if I will even have rent this month, and I have a car payment that I can't afford, as well as an outrageous insurance payment that I am sure will go up even higher now that I had a minor fender bender.
I am at my wits end, and have only managed to sit down and type this after hours of pacing in a frantic circle. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to turn. I recently moved to Redlands, California in an attempt to better my situation, and now I am in the dark as to where to turn.



Re: Don't know where to turn

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:28 pm
by Eichorn
My spouse of 25+ years left my 15 year old sophomore daughter and me in Utah, homeless, car less, and I only have a part time job making about $500 a month. I am in desperate need for a car, have tried many things and gotten nowhere, the people we are staying with, we feel we are intruding because we have been here for 6 months and have gotten nowhere. I ask for rides all the time and get nowhere, it’s hard enough to get to work, and the bus is at least a mile away from where we stay. My daughter is a sophomore in high school and we really need our own place as well. My spouse took my other two kids ages 12 and 8, knowing I wouldn't be able to take care of them. He took them to Nevada and I want to get them back but like I said, I can't get rides anywhere which makes it hard and not having a place for them to live, even harder. My spouse will not send my daughter any money and threatened to put me on child support knowing how much I make, though he works for the post office and makes at least $4000 a month. He blocked my kid’s phones so they won't call me and has a female, his girlfriend, in the house with my kids, driving our car. I don't know what to do, my marriage was of adulatory, mental, physical, and verbal abuse and even now I have many text from him calling me names, telling me how he's going to make sure my kids don't talk to me, threatened my daughter to send me a mean email or he would turn off her phone and had her crying because I told him she wanted what was best for me, even if it meant not being in the house with them where we'd fight in front of them because she was supposed to be telling me I needed to be a family with their dad. I tried going to stay with them for a month and him and his family, since he's in his home town, ganged up on me three times, twice in front of my kids. The female he has is the second female he's been with and had around my kids while they've been there but insist on wanting our family. I even told him I’d go stay with my kids if he left the house and he and I could try to work on our issues and he said no, I have to be there for him. Please let me know of anything, if there is anything I can get help with.

Re: Don't know where to turn

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:25 am
by Admin
Not too many programs or non-profits provide a car, and there are fewer in Utah. Unfortunately if someone is homeless they have even less chance to get one. Most places that would give transportation assistance want someone to be working and they technically just subsidize your payment. There are places like 1800 Charity cars and Opportunity cars. Anyway, we do have more information on our site on some places you can call in Utah. Also look into a loan from an agency known as Ways to Work, and get more details on programs for free cars.