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Re: Need cash for rent, Moving expenses

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:45 am
by Admin
Some agencies may not help with mobile home rent payments. But you can try to apply anyway. Can someone help you move before they leave the state? Maybe that will take care of the issue you are having. As 30 days to vacate is a long time to either move or have those violations fixed. Here are some resources to try, and find help with rent in Fresno.

Re: Need cash for rent, Moving expenses

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:16 pm
by Pat Peterson
Family of four to the area, just received custody of my two children. I am working and at this time staying with family, we need to find a place to call home by the end of May, so we are moving. Due to moving and custody cost my savings has been deleted. Would be very thankful for any assistance on the cost of moving into a place, as they won’t first and last in most cases. Have never asked for help and I know I have to swallow my pride as two children depend on me. Thank you.

Re: Need cash for rent, Moving expenses

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:59 am
by Pueblo
My daughter and I are currently homeless, we are hungry and have nowhere to go here. We can stay with my mother in Brenton Washington, but do not have the cash to move there or for the rent to stay there. You said yesterday that you would return my call but didn't. Please, return my call or email, thank you so much.