Facing Natural Gas Utility Shutoff

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Facing Natural Gas Utility Shutoff

Post by neilp02 »

Anytime within the next day or so, our natural gas will be shutoff for non payment of a bill thats a little over $700.00 and soon to be a little over $800.00 which includes the month of March. Was sent a notice of pending shutoff in March with a shutoff date scheduled fo the 23rd of March. Called the gas company and this extended the date to pay until the 3rd or 4th of April. My wife and I are both senior citizens and are retired and live on fixed incomes, plus are still paying higher mortgage payments than we should for our age and financial status. By, the time the mortgage is paid, the remaining has to keep our household going until the next pension check arrives. I know, I as the head of the household, am responsible for keeping the mortgage payments going, plus all te rest of the utilities. My problem is that, I have no savings to fall back on, credit is not good, plus I am disabled with Parkinsons disease, so I cannot work at most jobs requiring physical labor anymore. My wife doing all she can too make up for what, I can't physically do to. We have been trying to supplement our retirement incomes in other ways, however, that just provides for immediate needs and isn't substantially large enough to be able to take care of this sizeable heating bill now due. I tried filing an applicatiion through our state Health and Human Resources Agency, however my application was denied, because my income was over the income guideline, to receive any assistance from them. I have also contacted other agencies in my area such as The Salvation Army, Saint Vincent De Paul and League of Human Dignity, plus a community action program. Thus far,they have not been able to help me at all except for on agency that said they could give me $100.00 or so to help out. The other agencies said they didn't have enough funds to help with the $700 payment, except for the Salvation Army, who said they might be able to donate some funds. We don't have any family either that we can ask for help.

So right now as it stands, our natural gas could be turned off tomorrow and although, I have a pension check coming the 1st of May, when you consider the mortgage payment of over a $1000 to make, plus other utilities and obligations to satisfy, there just won't be enough to take care of this $700 gas bill. We are now going to have to do without hot water and heat, however with the warmer weather now, the heat is not as critical.
I am located in the capital city of Nebraska. Would appreciate, if anyone has some ideas of what other resources that might be available to help with this emergency situation.
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Re: Facing Natural Gas Utility Shutoff

Post by Admin »

You called many of the right places in your area. That is all you can do, call local non-profits, and call they utility company themselves and ask for assistance or some form of payment plan. Here is some more info on utility programs in Lincoln Nebraska area. I still think that probably the main place to call is the Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska at (308) 865-5681. Also use the navigation bars on the left margin, and focus on the link for utility and electric bills.
http://needhelppayingbills.com/html/lin ... prog1.html
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Re: Facing Natural Gas Utility Shutoff

Post by Booty »

hello, I was wondering i need to get assistance with paying my gas bill from SW gas. Unfortunately its a old bill that my ex just refused to pay on then recently left so me and the three boys are stuck with no heat or hot water and i don't have a job right now so we struggling really bad.The gas was shut off about seven months ago and no payments have been made as he refused and i wasn't able to wk i called SW gas but they said they might have been able to help if some kinda payment had been made but it wasn't my fault i didn't have much sat anyways they want a 1000 dollars that's including the new security plus bill to even consider putting it back on i don't know what to do...can u send me names and phone numbers to people or organizations or even churches that can help ive tried to call around but i haven't had much luck no one is participating in that im located in Glendale Arizona 85301. Like i said any names and phone numbers too please as i don't drive would be helpful the kids are tired or cold baths:) thank you
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Re: Facing Natural Gas Utility Shutoff

Post by Admin »

Can't you make some type of goodwill payment on your SW gas bill in Arizona. Like you said do not need to pay off the entire gas bill, just a portion of it so that they know you are good for the money. After that then you can work more towards paying it off. You own that for your kids. Did you try Salvation Army as well as local churches. In addition, find more Arizona utility assistance programs and ways to get help with SW Gas bills, such as LIHEAP and other options.
Booty wrote:hello, I was wondering i need to get assistance with paying my gas bill from SW gas. Unfortunately its a old bill that my ex just refused to pay on then recently left so me and the three boys are stuck with no heat or hot water and i don't have a job right now so we struggling really bad.The gas was shut off about seven months ago and no payments have been made as he refused and i wasn't able to wk i called SW gas but they said they might have been able to help if some kinda payment had been made but it wasn't my fault i didn't have much sat anyways they want a 1000 dollars that's including the new security plus bill to even consider putting it back on i don't know what to do...can u send me names and phone numbers to people or organizations or even churches that can help ive tried to call around but i haven't had much luck no one is participating in that im located in Glendale Arizona 85301. Like i said any names and phone numbers too please as i don't drive would be helpful the kids are tired or cold baths:) thank you
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Re: Facing Natural Gas Utility Shutoff

Post by Chipper »

Hello. I had a hearing before a judge on July 29th, and he approved my disability. My lawyer said it could take 1-2 months before we see any money. We are on a lease in the house that we rent, and we will have rent and the gas bill due the first of September. I am writing to see if we can, please, get some help for September. If you could, please, have someone call me, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
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Re: Facing Natural Gas Utility Shutoff

Post by Westin »

I have a natural gas bill for over a $1000.00 and need assistance. I don't understand how it could be that high and I just received the first bill in over 4 months. I tried calling and there system is always down.
I owe back rent to landlord 2,500. Have a court agreement for 150.00 a month until its paid. I have no home have been living with family but its burdensome for everyone involved. I don't bring home a lot of money 250.00 a week take home. I don't get SSI I work full time. I really need some help with natural gas and need someone to assist and guide me through never have needed this don't know who or where to go feel lost . Thank you for your help.
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