Best way to get stable housing and I can't wait

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Best way to get stable housing and I can't wait

Post by Purcivil »

The father of my 2 children and I are not married, but we have been together for 15 years. He has been the sole financial provider for us for most of our time together, but unfortunately, we are in the process of splitting up. Now I need a place to live for me and my kids and I can't wait. Are there housing programs that will help us right now get an apartment?
I’d rather not get into the details of it all, but I will say that it’s in the best interest of our children as well as ourselves to follow through with this decision. Our children and the environment we provide for them is our top priority…Always. Thus being said, I’m not sure where to begin re-establishing the independence I need to provide for my children. I was hoping to receive further advice and/or more specifically related emergency housing or apartment resources to look into?
I’m not so worried about finding employment, as that shouldn’t take long at all, and I can figure out means of transportation for now. I’m most concerned about us having stable housing until I can provide some sort of financial stability for us on my own.
We are located in Norfolk, VA and need housing that has no long wait list.
Any local information you can offer to help my situation, would be so greatly appreciated.
Kimmy mommy
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Re: Best way to get stable housing and I can't wait

Post by Kimmy mommy »

Hello my name is Sarina. I live in Port Richey Florida and I am a single mommy that is currently living from couch to couch with my two year old daughter. We need a stable place to live that is affordable.
My husband and I split up and that left us homeless I am unable to work due to sever PTSD anxiety depression and blackouts. I am at the lowest point in my life I can’t even provide for my daughter I have always worked my butt off for everything that I had I have never asked for help so I have no idea of where and what options I have.
I have to have a stable home for my daughter so I can build her a solid foundation where she can grow up and continue to develop and become a contribution to society when she is older. I need to do what is best for my daughter but I am so lost and scared right now. We have a car and I make 380.00 a month in child support but I can’t work I had lost my job of 6 years because of my anxiety and blackouts and the embarrassment that came with it. I don’t even know where to start to find a place to live. I have used up all of the money I had saved to keep us in a hotel so we weren’t living in our car. Please please please help get a stable house for my daughter as I am clueless and ashamed.
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