Looking for support from a social worker

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Looking for support from a social worker

Post by Minnymouse101 »

I am writing to you because I think mine is a special case.
I am 65 years old now living with an old friend here in Myrtle Beach, SC
I was living with my sister and her husband and 19 year old nephew
they lived in such a remote area that work was not to be found. I was
stuck. State of Texas helped me with food stamps, and my social worker helped me apply.
Two Sundays ago the 24 year old nephew burst into my room drunk and beat me up
telling and yelling at me that he wanted me out of the house. He left a
gash on my head a bloody nose bruises on my arm and a sore back. I am
still walking a bit slow. He said he was going to kill me and I was in
fear for my life.
A friend gave me 1000 dollars to get out of the home
and away from there and my friend here in south Carolina allowed me to
come live with him at 330 dollars a month. I paid him two months rent
and I am now out of money. I have until January before I can take
early retirement (if it is still available). I have no transportation
and without some sort of help. I will be homeless soon, I was afraid
to stay in the state and afraid of what the nephew might do to me if I
stayed but now that I am away if I can do something about his vicious
attack on me I will.
His abuse has been verbally constant and while he hit me a couple of
times before this time he drew blood and it took 3 people to pull him
off of me and his parents excused his actions by saying oh he was just
Now I am left on the verge of being homeless. I still have my food
stamp card from Texas but wonder if I can still use it here?
My friend here got me a phone he is nice
and from now until October 1st I am set here in this home but it will not
be unless I can get aid from the state to cover 330 dollars a month
Is there any way you can help me or assign a social worker to help me? I am
still having trouble walking around and can't get to places to well I
am enclosing a copy of my Texas identification with my last
address on it. I would like to keep it confidential as to
where my location is as I fear he will try to come and do me bodily
harm and or kill me like he threatened. Maybe social services can help me the next 6 months until I can get
social security retirement. I am now 65 years and 7 months old.
p.s currently I have NO medical insurance.
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Re: Looking for support from a social worker

Post by Admin »

There are social workers as part of the public assistance programs in Texas. https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/htm ... tance.html
They can help you navigate the process, apply for benefits, get financial aid, and much more. Social workers can help support you.
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Re: Looking for support from a social worker

Post by OnMyWay »

My name is Tia. I am 28 years old and I have been in an ongoing battle to get my nephew who is 23 months old out of foster care. I hope a social worker can help me. Right now I’m in a bind where I need help paying my electricity bill so I can prove to the courts I can pay bills. I could really use your help. This has been a very stressful situation for me. I do live on my own but my previous home my sister didn’t help pay the bills. I feel disgusted know that could hinder Jayden from being reunited with me. If there is any way you could help me get this bill paid I would greatly appreciate it.
Armani Monae
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Re: Looking for support from a social worker

Post by Armani Monae »

I am disabled and unable to walk or drive at the present time, I am in need of help but was wondering if there were people available to help me navigate my way. Like a social worker who would evaluate and get me where I need to be? My bank has denied my claim of fraud from a man who stole from me and now taken my disability check leaving me in peril.
I am sorry if this is not the correct place to contact for a social worker. Perhaps you may know who I could contact? I've never asked for help so I am clueless and a bit confused. Thank you for your time.
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