Getting money from GoFundMe

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Getting money from GoFundMe

Post by Kelly_Ryan »

I'm hoping that you may be able to help, if not you maybe you know someone you could share this with that has the resources or GoFundMe network to help.
I'm writing to you on behalf of a family friend, and her 3 young children, who are now in Michigan.
Just a few weeks ago she lost her significant other of 16 years and
father to all 3 of her young children, in a tragic motorcycle accident.
He was also the sole provider for the family and unfortunately had no life insurance policy.
This left the entire family with no means of support so she and her 3 children have relocated
to her sister's house in MI. She moved here to pursue a job at Chrysler and has just
started her first day as a temporary part time employee (3 shifts/weeks). As You can imagine, resources have been stretched extremely thin at the sister's house, who has 4 small children of her own. She and the 3 kids desperately need help with housing. Is
there any way to get some sort of emergency housing for she and her 3 Children? She hasn't even received her first paycheck and even when she does receive that it will be going towards summer programs for the children, food, bills at her sisters and a sitter to watch them while she works. Not to mention funeral costs and all the costs associated with relocating to the Michigan area, which GoFundMe will help with too.
Her only means of transportation for her and the children has broken down leaving her entirely dependent on getting rides from friends and family for her and the kids.
To make matters even more difficult the family of her late boyfriend have started fighting over what little possessions he had - which has resulted in all of hers and the childrens clothes, possessions, furniture etc being stuck in a storage unit while the family continues to argue over who has ownership - this has made hard times even more difficult for the family who had to move to Michigan with just the clothes on their backs and now faces the seemingly impossible task of hiring a lawyer in Michigan in order to get hers and the children's possessions back.
I'm wondering if there are any resources at all available to help them in additon to GoFundMe? Unfortunately the few
family and friends she has in the Michigan area are of modest means and don't have
much to give financially but have continued to offer help in any other ways possible.
I'm not even sure where to start looking for help for her and the kids, other than GoFundMe? Maybe you could share or find a way to publicize or promote her GoFundMe? If ever there was a family that desperately needed and deserved a helping hand it would be she and her 3 small children. She's far too humble to ask for help personally, but I know that any help at all offered would be warmly welcomed and life changing for the family. They're not looking for a handout but a hand up to bring some stability and routine in their lives while they learn to live without their best friend and father.
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Re: Getting money from GoFundMe

Post by Tweed »

Below will explain the details of the urgent need of using GoFundme. I want to thank you for caring enough to acknowledge my email.
I am a 50 year old female. In 2/2018 I was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductile cancer. I had 16 treatments, and I need money from GoFundme to help make it through. I completed my last treatment on 11/2018. Starting 01/2019 I had my first double mastectomy surgery. I had a total of four surgeries which last one was in 12/2019. In September of 2020 I was hospitalized for heart failure. I had to wear a heart defibrillator for 4 months.
Before I could recover from my heart failure, I had two strokes at one time and found a mass tumor on my brain. The chemotherapy treatment caused all but 9 of my teeth to come out. I only have the 6 at the front bottom and 3 in the top front. I have/had no choice but to chew with the front which caused them to coming out as well.
It has caused digestive problems with also causing my face to indent and sag. I am so embarrassed I have to cover my mouth when I talk or laugh. I can't gain my weight back from my cancer. I have dental insurance, however 1500 is the most any dental insurance will cover. My dental treatment needed is $30,000. With all the medical problems I feel very embarrassed and ugly.
If I was blessed enough to get my mouth fixed that would be the biggest blessing to me. I am reaching out for any help available. If any proof is needed I will be more than happy to provide. All donations regardless of the amount given is a blessing to me. If unable to assist keeping me in prayer will be appreciated just as much. I am sending the link to my gofundme account below. please feel free to contact me at this email address at any time. I want to thank you for just taking the time out to care. There aren't any words to express enough my gratitude for any extra money, appreciation and Thankfulness
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Re: Getting money from GoFundMe

Post by Admin »

Well, never rely on GoFundme, as something like 90%+ never hit a goal (or come close to it). And of those almost 20% raise zero dollars. It is mostly "hype" more than anything else. But we do have tips, and learn about Goodfundme campaigns to raise funds.
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Re: Getting money from GoFundMe

Post by Purcivil »

Good Morning,
My family and I are seeking any kind of support available and trying to raise money from GoFundMe too. We are drowning in medical bills, rent and utilities due to our unexpected loss. The services cost an additional $1500. Our lives have seemed to go completely sideways since the loss of our daughter. My wife's birth father passed a week after Willow and my job told me they were out of operating funds and couldn't pay me the 3 weeks of money they owed me. This was 4 weeks ago. We are desperately in need of any support available, and we do not remotely know where to begin or who to ask. Is there anything you can do to help? We started a go-fund-me.
If there is anything you could do, it would be beyond appreciated. If you have any advice, I am extremely open. I have already been hired at a new job and start on Monday. However, it will be weeks before money starts coming in and I’m already a month behind in all bills. Thank you very much for taking the time to read our story. We will be hopeful to hear from you.
Best Regards,
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