Code enforcement notified

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Code enforcement notified

Post by Hailey »

I live in Orange County, Orlando, Florida. Both my high risk pregnant daughter and I have been evicted from our home. I have asked for the hot water to be fixed for over a month and I was told I do not have to pay rent until it is fixed, among other issues in the place that have not been fixed. In basic terms he is a slumlord and a bully.
I mentioned code enforcement and now homeless. I have pictures to prove it all. I have to hide in my mom's place that is on the property to just have a roof over our heads, or be escorted off the property by the cops. I'm a cancer survivor and I suffer from seizures when under extreme stress. I was fired from my job because of it. I cannot afford my medication or to see doctors. My daughter is 20 years old and is 8 months pregnant and on bed rest. I have called just about every organization I can think of to no prevail. I just need help to be able to get a place for us, I am in the process of getting disability. Please help point us in the right direction.
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Re: Code enforcement notified

Post by Piven »

Hi, so I unfortunately received an eviction notice because I called code enforcement about my apartment not being up to date. Well I have a job, and I have enough for first month’s rent but not for security deposit. I have (as of right now) 30 days to be out of my current apartment, which would be June 3rd, 2017. Please if you could give me some advice or help I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Code enforcement notified

Post by Derrick »

Hello, I'm a single parent with 8 children, 3 In the home that are getting ready to graduate from high school. I soon lost my home to a slumlord that took my money. We called code enforcement. But we are still evicted me because of hose fire. Tried to start over and it's been hard hear Lately trying to maintain my home and family. I recently was sick and in the hospital, lost my job while in the hospital. Now I'm on the verge of losing my home unless code enforcement steps in. We are behind in rent and bills just need some help or point me in the right direction - thank you. 
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Re: Code enforcement notified

Post by malisha »

Hello, my landlord wants to evict me. He's went as far as faking code enforcement for them to advise me not to pay rent there for my 3 day notice days. I'm getting evicted for not paying rent. He has also had the neighbor reach in my back window and mess with my fuse box so it would look like the water pump broke, so then I would have to move due to having no water he said I couldn't live there without water. When I told the neighbor that this is what I thought that him said the landlord sabotaged it to make it look like the water pump just broke. I called the code enforcement and notified them.
I had googled what happens when a water pump breaks well the water has issues first, I dad issues with my electric. This neighbor was asked by our landlord to "babysit" me, keep on eye on me this neighbor has told me all of this even agreeing with the water pump issue. Had also told me that I had to move in the neighbor, or I had to move out that's why they did all of this including trying to make my look crazy by having people enter my home and move things around. But I would like this to be known and I do believe he has broken some laws that he should be held accountable for the neighbor has told me the landlord did have all this done.
I don't want to fight to stay here because he is a " slumlord", and Code enforcement can deal with them. Those are words from one of the Pasco county fire department firemen. I would rather get help to move. But him trying to scare me into moving well I would like first to see him have to deal with what ever a landlord get for having this my neighbors do what he has done to me. It caused me to have a nervous breakdown. I was to afraid to go get seen by a Dr. due to the fact when I came home my things would of been gone or the neighbor moved in to my home. Thank you.
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