Orthodontics treatment was never finished

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Orthodontics treatment was never finished

Post by Withoutyou »

I have a friend who is a single father and does really good with his kids and a good father. He has a good heart and recently has been experiencing a hardship. I won't go into details but his son is going through orthodontics care and he has had a mouth piece widening his arch.
Due to some personal things going on, he isn't able to finish up the Ortho treatment and needs 1,100.00 to remove the piece and start his braces care. And poor little guy has been through a lot of dental treatment. Just one of those kids who had really crooked teeth, extra teeth, small arch etc. His son is going to be in the 6th grade and you know they get really self-conscious at this age. So I am looking at a lot of resources to help out my friend to help his son and get this metal piece out and start the boy’s braces. I think the boys braces is 2500.00, but they need 1,000 to remove the metal arch in his mouth and put on braces he will wear for two years. Thank you for your time.
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Re: Orthodontics treatment was never finished

Post by Admin »

While we are not sure, maybe a dental school can help with braces and orthodontics. As students may need the practice. It is worth a shot. But otherwise it would be very rare, if not impossible, to get help from a charity or government for that type of need. But try dental schools.
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Re: Orthodontics treatment was never finished

Post by Coastal »

Hi, my name is Matthew. I desperately need help paying my dental and in particular Orthodontics bill. I am working but not making enough to pay my bills at the moment for the Orthodontics treatment. I tried calling Community Action Agency and all they do is transfer me to a number that nobody answers, and I have to leave a message. I have done this several times. I apologize because somebody finally called me, but I missed the because I was sleeping because I work midnights. Please contact me I am afraid I will lose my teeth and lose everything I have. I have nowhere to go, no way of moving all my belongings because I don’t have transportation at this time. Thank You, Regards
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