Cash for plane tickets

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Cash for plane tickets

Post by Dominic »

I am an attorney (court-appointed) for an elderly woman currently civilly committed at Seattle Hospital in Washington State. She came to Washington against her will at the insistence of her daughter. Her daughter put her in a home, and as my client tried to escape in order to return to California, she was moved to another home. As far as I can tell, she’s been moved to as many as 5 facilities since her arrival in Washington about 7 years ago.
The staff at the hospital tells me she doesn't belong in an in-patient mental health facility, and they support a move back to San Joaquin, California if a suitable place can be found. Her court-appointed GAL also agrees with a move back to Washington. My client’s main issue with her placements here in Washington is that she wants to go HOME.
The problem we have with returning her to California is that she’s out of money. Her daughter spent a fair amount in getting her to Washington – moving truck and storage included. Her former guardian used massive amounts of money for payments to herself, and the multiple homes my client was placed in cost a lot of money. She was also forced to obtain an attorney at her own expense when her daughter filed for a guardianship, and to pay for her guardian’s lawyer as well. The savings she had is gone.
She needs money to pay for the following: (1) two plane tickets from SeaTac to Sacramento (one one-way for my client, and another round trip for the person who accompanies her—she has extreme mobility issues as well as bladder control issues, and will need help on the way down), (2) cost of transportation from the airport to her location and back to the airport for the person accompanying her, (3) one night motel for the person accompanying her, and (4) the first month’s rent in an assisted living facility. Once Medi-Cal kicks in, that should pay for the facility. The estimated travel costs are $700 total (both flights, car rental, and one night hotel), and the estimated cost of the nursing home for the first month is $1,500 based on an estimate I received from the gentleman helping me located a place for her in CA. The total we’re asking for is $2,200. Is this something your organization is able to help with?
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Re: Cash for plane tickets

Post by Admin »

No one provides plane tickets. Much less cash for them. Regardless, if you want some general transportation programs, maybe try a community action agency. They often have information for the elderly. They often have a national database of programs too, so maybe they can help for CA. Your request is kind of silly too. Even asking for transportation from SeaTac. That will never happen. Anyway, read programs offered by Washington Community Action Agencies.
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Re: Cash for plane tickets

Post by Pat19 »

Me and my daughter and my dog buddy lives with me, I live at Norwalk, CT bu want to move so I need a plane ticket to FL. I want to leave as my bill was $300.00 per month for the winter. I lost my job and it has been very difficult, I pay the most I could and I would appreciate your assistance.
I have never asked your organization for help but I need to do so it is vital that some transportation assistance be given, if not they will burn off my lights and I will freeze. Please whatever you can do to help. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Cash for plane tickets

Post by Lucy »

Good morning
I had a question. I have to go back to Pennsylvania due to the fact that my son is being deployed I'm am mentally disabled and collect SSD. Right now I cant afford a plane ticket. Who is any one would I be able to ask for cash help with this plane ticket.
Thank you for your time
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Re: Cash for plane tickets

Post by Admin »

We doubt and charity or non-profit will give money for plane tickets. Maybe they would say a bus ticket. If you insist on cash to fly, then try crowdfunding. But even that is hard enough. Learn more on raising money from crowdfunding.
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Re: Cash for plane tickets

Post by Luna1 »

I’m looking for resources for travel assistance in Texas, and really money to pay for a plane ticket for medical travel. My son was recently diagnosed with a rare disease called Kawasaki Disease and has now developed several aneurysms on his coronary arteries. We are having to travel 18 hours round trip for appointments, and a plane ticket to get to his doctor in NYC would be much better. Any information for travel assignments would be helpful as well.
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