Unsanitary apartment

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Unsanitary apartment

Post by Butch »

Hello, I need to move from my apartment next month. I have two children and I work at a storage company in Rockford but I only work a few hours per week. My landlord, made inappropriate sexual comments to my 6 year old and has harassed me until I went to the Emergency room last week. She refused to fix my bathtub with was full of black water and I couldn't bathe my children for 3 days. I reported her to the city and now she’s refusing to renew my lease PLEASE HELP ME GET OUT OF HERE! I'm worried about my children’s' safety.
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Re: Unsanitary apartment

Post by Hailey »

I am in need of help with my rent on this unsanitary apartment. I started a new job and they held back the first week and now I am behind on my rent. I have my family to take care of and I can't lose my place to live. I only make $10 an hour and I have other bills and groceries to buy as well. Even behind on a few other bills also but I'm only asking for help with my rent, it is $170 a week but I'm a week behind. Please help so me and my family don't get eviction.
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