Rent help needed due to surgery

The main NHPB site has more information on local rent assistance programs.
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Rent help needed due to surgery

Post by robsangl2003 »

My husband lost his job 11 months ago and if we can't come up with 5 months of rent we was told to be out at end of aug. I have a 15 year old and 4 year old in house. I am having some medical issuses that may require surgery. Please I need help I don't want my kids to be without a home.
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Re: Rent help needed due to surgery

Post by Sorkin »

I live in Alliance Ohio and I was just on here looking at your help page with all the programs but I have called everywhere around here and cant get NO help for my rent. I’m 45 years old, just had major surgery and I just lost my job a few weeks ago and I cant find work anywhere and now I'm being evicted. Is there anything you can tell me to help me? If I lose my home I am going be so far down at rock bottom. I cant see myself getting back up. I have no family or anyone I can live with PLEASE help please.
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Re: Rent help needed due to surgery

Post by Maf_red »

I have a job but I've been laid off. I applied to unemployment and TANF so I can pay my rent. I have three children and about to be evicted because unemployment took the money they was paying me because I owed unemployment for previously getting fired. I had surgery and was on maternity leave about two years ago. Now I'm unable to pay the other half of last months rent plus late fees plus an eviction fee totaling 501 dollars. I've also called charities and churches to get help with rent but haven’t gotten any help. I have to go to court on the 12 of June for the eviction. I'm in desperate need of help and don't know who to turn to.
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Re: Rent help needed due to surgery

Post by Admin »

Sometimes TANF can help with rent, but it is a long term application process. Unemployment is meant to provide more immediate relief. Also, the process will never be able to help you by June 12. Welfare takes time, and asking for 501 dollars in such a short timeframe is crazy. Learn more on the TANF and welfare application process. The goods news is the grants can be combined with that future unemployment.
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Re: Rent help needed due to surgery

Post by mentalhealthday »

I'm in desperate need of rent assistance. My husband just lost his income as he is out on surgery and I just started mine. Our rent issue in 10 days and I cannot come up with all of it. We need $700 just 1 time to pay the rest of the rent. Help would be greatly appreciated. I have 2 children and have nowhere to go if we lose our home.
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