Upcoming court fees

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Upcoming court fees

Post by Armstrong289 »

Good morning, I was seeking more information on getting help. To be honest I have tried everything and have even applied for a loan and I wasn’t eligible to receive one. I need help paying my court fines. I owe a little over $1,500.00 and I actually go to court January 8, 2017. I have done everything that I was supposed to as far as probation, aftercare, and DUI classes.
I do make a attempt to pay what I can afford after my bills every month to the Sussex superior court system. I will pay the money back however I need a helping hand in the meantime. If you could point me in the right direction as to where to get help I would greatly appreciate it very much. This is my work email and I will see your response quicker this way. Please help me and thank you in advance I would greatly appreciate it very much.
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Re: Upcoming court fees

Post by Feilhaber »

I am a resident of Plant City Florida returning there from the Philippines with my 5 year old from the Philippines. I am 55 years of age and on S.S.permanent physical disability and have been for over 10 years. Her adoptive "mother “and my “wife” abandoned us 7 years ago after selling everything we owned (including home) and absconding to the U.S. We have been trying to recuperate since and recently I was granted a visa for my Daughter to come home to Plant City.
Our airfare will cost us over $3,000 and when back I will pursue divorce from my estranged “wife". Are there any programs that may help me with court filing fees and temporary assistance? I have a friend that is gracious to offer us to stay with him till we get back on our feet. Thank You Sincerely
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Re: Upcoming court fees

Post by Partenner »

Well, I'm currently homeless. A college friend basically gave me a place to stay. But his lease is ending at the end of July and I was able to get a job as a Busser but I'm not making enough money to be able to provide for myself by the time he moves. The only dilemma is the traffic court fees a nd very fines that's overdue. I feel that once those are paid I could basically obtain better paying jobs elsewhere because I could basically save up to buy me a car.
I don't need any money for anything else but my court fees because that is holding me back and I have job offers in another state but I can't do anything due to the fact that I don't have a vehicle so once I get the fines paid. I can move on with my life. I promise that I will progress positively. And I would gratefully appreciate anything that you could do. Thank You and God Bless.
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