Disabled and need help as have limited income

People looking for general financial assistance.
Also look here for programs on the main NHPB site for local financial help.
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Re: Disabled and need help as have limited income

Post by Bluecross »

I am in need of rental assistance, car payment assistance, and also utility assistance. I have called a number of agencies you have listed in my county which is Marion and have received no assistance. I have been told my income is too high or majority say there are no funds available or the numbers are disconnected. I really in need of help I have two children, one is disabled, and although income was good at one point it has taken a drastic cut. Please help!!!
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Re: Disabled and need help as have limited income

Post by Macie »

I have had to quit my job due to I am bipolar and have severe side effects. I have filed for disability through SS but I won't get a check until April. I have an attorney. I am looking for help with my rent for May and June as I am sure everything will be settled by March. I also have an electric bill that was left for me to pay. Thank you in advance for your help. Rent is April, $730.00 May $755.00 due to rent increase. Electric $287.17. Again thank you.
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Re: Disabled and need help as have limited income

Post by Gazelle »

I am in desire need of financial help for Rent and Utilities.
I injured myself in December 2012 while on the job and am now disabled. I fell 7 ft in the air flat on my back. And even thou I am no longer on Worker's Comp and did take a settlement, I am down to nothing in my bank account and will not be able to pay November's rent, or any of my utilities or my phone.
My landlord will NOT work with me in order for me to go to CEO in Wilkes-Barre, PA. He would rather go thru a magistrate and have me evicted no questions asked. He doesn't even care about our financial problems. "If you don't have the money to pay out you go!" He even told me if I went to CEO to get the help he would refuse it. He would rather evict me and get someone who can pay.
My finances and bank account are down to $0.00. I have nothing. And I still can not go back to work due to all my physical disability problems I still have from my fall last year. I am still under Dr's care and will soon be going for more Dr appointments to specialists due to the physical problems I still have that are debilitating issues.
Please, I really need HELP!! I live in Luzerne County near Wilkes-Barre PA.
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